Chapter Nine: It's the Bat's Fault

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I'm so awful! I'm so sorry :(! I've just been so busy. I know what a lane excuse. You can go hang with your friends right well right the story freakah!! There's been a lot of personally drama and a friend of mine just left for the Army :( I'm proud of him, but imma miss him. So I've been spendin anlot of time with him. Just in case ya know. Anyway here is your forever waited on chappie. You can kill me when I finsihthe boom for this. Sowy :(



COMMENT cause I love ya ;)


Chapter 9:It's that Bat's Fault

I awoke with my head feeling groggy and opened my eyes, but it was still dark... What was wrong? I started to pull my hands up to wipe my eyes but the sounds of chains echoed as the pain of metal digging into my wrist spiked. I gritted my teeth. What? Where was I... Oh yeah. The bag... The needle... Holy Slut! I've been kidnapped?! What in gotham's red light?! I wriggled around a bit but the handcuffs stung. I bit back a whimper.

"Boss, I think she's up." said a goofy voice. This voice haunted my ears. They sounded like that good all dumbo minions that any good villain would have. A crude laughter shook my bones. Oh god. That laugh. Someone had truly lost it. They were imitating the Joker? Are you kidding me. If you're going to be a villain atleast be original.

"Ohh buddy. Please leave the Joker out of this. He doesn't deserve to be imitated by a loser who has nothin better to do than kidnap teenage girls at midnight." I quipped. A harsh blow met my face and I swear my brain rattled.

"Don't hit her genius. If you break her pretty face Battsie won't want her anymore." oh this guy had the Joker's voice down too. Lovely...

"Ouch. Was that necessary..." I muttered. I felt the woosh of air and a another nasty whack hit my gut. I let an unpleasant grown escape my lips. That one hurt.

"Alright...I'm done..." I said slightly out of breath. The black bag was removed from my head. My vision was extremely blurry as my eyes attempted to adjust to the light. My green eyes widened at the face in front of me. Green hair, red make-up, white clown face, purple suit. This guy looked like a ligit Joker. I let out a gasp.

"Wow... I-I..." I couldn't even finish my sentence. What if this was the real Joker? I looked like a bumbling baboon in front of my favorite super villain.

"I-I. What? Bat got your tongue?" he said in a quizzical tone. Another one of those skin crawling laughs rang through the room. Where was I by the way? The room was pitch black. Only a lamp shown on me. How classic.

"What do you want?" My lips formed the words without my knowledge. Otherwise I wouldn't have enough courage to complete the sentence. He stopped mid-laugh and a slight frown formed.

"Oh my. You're just like Batsie. No fun. All work." he said dismissing me with a wave of a hand and a rude scoff. I pulled at the chains. I didn't know why. It's not like I would get super human abilities all of a sudden, but the traditional damsel would do this sort of thing. I was just hoping this story involved a hero before the damsel got raped and killed.

"Ah Mr.J. Look she is strugglin. Maybe bats will get here on time this go around." a shrill new jersey accent echoed. My face lit up. I know my life is in danger but that was without a doubt Harley Quinn!

"Oh my Gawd! Harley Quinn?! The Harley Quinn?" I said happily. She gave me a wink.

"The one an only puddin." Harley hung herself off of the Joker. Wow this seemed like it was right out of a comic book. I must be having a majorly epic dream. I stopped from my happy parade.

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