Chapter 3: Bruce Wayne?!

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Yo!I'm back in da house... I keed haha. So here is the next chappie and this is getting better results than my other book so therefore Im assuming there are alot og Batman lovers out there <3 Am I right? or am I right? haha. Anywho enjoy this Chappie. This is were the pace starts pickin up a lil bit.

Ray on the right loves. What do ya think?

VOTE, COMMENT <----- i do love the comments im not receiving lol (I keed you know I love you guys) anywho after Im done with this chapter. Im forwarding the linkie to kassandra so she can read it and be all That is not what i sound like! or I resent that! XD dont ya just love best friends. Im going to stop talking now...bai bai :)


I scrambled to get to the lunch room. Someone had been stalking me? They stalked me enough to know I was totally in love with batman. My heart was in my throat and trust me it wasn't from butterflies in my stomach. It was out of fear. I casted a glance around. Any of these people could be him or her... I squeezed my Flash folder against my chest a little tighter. Thinking maybe it could save me from this. A pair of hands reached over. They covered my eyes and mouth. My blood curtailing scream, that I'm sure would have broken windows, was muffled by the small delicate hand.

"Geezus, chill your pill. It's just me Anna." Kassy's familiar voice said from behind me. I instantly relaxed.

"Oh... Hi." I said sighing in relief. Kassandra gave me a confused look but shook it off.

"Wanna race to the cafeteria so we can get those new spongy chocolate chip cakes?" she asked raising her eyebrow. If she had a tail it would be wagging.

"No, you go ahead... im not really up to spongy chocolate..." i mumbled looking down at my feet. Kassandra huffed.

"Uh since when are you not in the mood for chocolaty goodness?" she said her eyebrows furrowing in concern. I was hesitant in telling her. If I did Kassandra would go after this persons ass fist forward. I didn't want her getting hurt if they just so happened to be dangerous. What am I talking about...they're a fucking stalker no shit they are dangerous.... I smiled at Kassandra reassuringly. It was time to play off like nothing had happened.

"Actually...." and I was off running down the hallway towards the cafeteria. I left Kassandra with her jaw hanging open. good then she will get a mouth full of my dust... i snickered.

"Hey! wait no fair!" she hollered running after me.

"Eat my dust!" i screamed and rain smack into someone. My heart dropped to my stomach. Of course the first thing in my mind was OH MY GAWD ITS MY STALKER! A hand reached down.

"Need help up?" a deep voice came. I looked up and i swear my heart stopped. Right in front of me was my check off list, was my Bruce Wayne. Deep dark wavy black hair, ocean blue eyes, sharp features. All he needed was the romance and mysteries factor. My face caught a heavy blush.

"I--i--uh thanks..." I said takin ghis hand. He lifted me up and smiled. Oh my god his smile.

"I'm new here." he said. Oh trust me I know you are new here...if you weren't i would kick myself for not noticing....

"Oh. Lucky you." I joked trying to cover up my blush. That's what I always did. I joked around and my lush went away or they focused more on the jokes and not the blush.

"Are you okay? Your face is red." he said furrowing his eyebrows. Great, plan A not working.

"Wha? Oh-yeah I'm gr-great. Fine Really. Thanks for your help." I said acting like a complete freak. He smiled and laughed a bit.

"Well I guess Ill see ya around?" he asked shrugging and putting his hands into his jeans pockets. I smiled nervously.

"Yeah. that would be nice." I started walking to the cafeteria.

"Wait." I heard footsteps coming after me. My alert system was up again. Man this stalker thing was really screwing with my head. Someone put their hand on my shoulder and it was a males. I shrieked knowing it wasn't Kassandra's or Ray's. My whole body went rigged. Then I recognized the hand. It was my Bruce Wayne.

"Here. you forgot this. By the way Flash is cool, but Batman is better." he said from behind me. My heart stopped. He likes Batman?

"That's what I tell my friend Ray all the time! He refuses to accept it! Batman definitely owns them all." I said taking the folder like a dork. His eyes sparkled.

"Ah, so your a Batman fan?" he said raising his eyebrow in the cutest way possible. I bit my bottom lip.

"Try fanatic." i joked lightly. This caused him to smile.

"I have a feeling Batman appreciates that. Well I have to go. Names Micheal Keaton." I smiled Micheal Keaton. What a name. He waved and walked down the hall and turned to the the roof? whatever. I don't question hot peoples motives.Kassandra?! Oh I needed to tell her about Micheal! No batman my ass!I was rubbing this in her face. I took off for the cafeteria and found Kassandra eating a cake in triumph. I sat down and she took a huge bite mocking me.

"Gloat all you want. I bumped into a hottie." was all i said. She dropped her cake and her chocolate smile turned downwards.

"What! and I wasn't there! A guy that meets your standards and I wasn't there! Geezus he must look like a sex god!" she exclaimed with a pouty face. I smiled mischievously.

"Oh, trust me Kassandra. He is a sex god." i said accentuating sex god. She glared at me.

"Go die in a hole."

"He's new. Means no-one has won him over ina group yet, and he is single." was all I said. Her eyes brightened at this.

"We must save him from the preps!" she exclaimed standing up with her fist in the air. Her face had chocolate cake all over it. The cafeteria snickered and i laughed rolling my eyes.

"Yeah yeah, as long as you sit down crazy." I said pulling her down by her skirt. She sat down on bench a determined fire in her eyes.

"We...will...get...him..." she said seperating each word witha deffiant glare. I scooched away from her a bit.

"Yepp..." i said popping the p and grabbing my bag.

"Where ya goin?" she asked back to the innocent face. I swear this girl was bi-polar.

"Away from you freakah." i joked. She scowled at me and grabbed one of my chains yanking me back down.

"You're not getting away that easily...." she smirked. "Deatials...NOW!" she demanded. I jumped abit but followed her orders.

"His name is Micheal Keaton. He has dark wavy black hair, bright blue eyes, strong cheekbones, im assuming nice body, amazing smile, and this deep voice to die for." I gushed. Kassandra seemed like she was melting beside me. Another tray joined our table and we looked up to find Ray's familiar smiling face.

"What are you girls talkin about?" he asked plopping a peice of cake in his mouth. Kassandra and I switched glances and started cracking up. He looked at us chocolate mouth ajar.

"Wha?" he atemtped to say through a full mouth. Kassandra went back to her cake and I started on my un -finished homework due next period, ignoring Ray and his gonfused glances.


Thumbs up if you got the Micheal Keaton thing :) if not look up the name you will haha. He was a Batman actor at one point in time. So I hoped you liked this chapter... its kinda short, but so was my last sorry dont beat up my face... YOUR FACE GODDAMNIT! (more Ray William Johnson jokes XD) anyho i really really hope you keep reading :)

Vote, Comment, throw banana peels at Kassandra :) whatever floats your boats

tata for now,


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