Be My Batman

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Hey there, so I was watching dark knight <3 and talking to my best friend Kassandra (( yes Kassandra is real haha )) and boom this story hit me like a stack o bricks! So now I'm typing it up on my iPod watching Dark knight while talking to Kassandra, but she doesnt know that I am. :)

I hope ya like it :3

P.s. To the right is our lovely main character ;p ----->

~Izzy <3


I rolled my eyes as I listened to my best friend ,Kassandra, carry on about how hot Jace what's his face was.

"Kassandra... He is a brace face..."

"Corection my dear. He was a brace face... Was. It was in people's magazine. He got them taken out and he got snake bites which added to his cute factor!" she squealed.kassandra grabbed my head and forced me to look at her 'sex god' as she called him.

"Mhm... Yeah smokin hot..." I said so she would let go.

"You are crazy. I don't know how you don't love this." she said cradling the magazine in her boobs. I nodded and pretended I was paying attention. She whacked me on the back of the head.

"Ow! What was that for?!" I said rubbing my flame red head.

"You haven't even been paying attention." kassandra whined narrowing her heavily eye lined eyes.

"Yes I have! Geezus Kassy. That hurt." I was pretty sure that my skin that used to be pale was no red along with my hair. My face did that when I got hurt or when I was embarrassed. You can figure out which one is the reason why.

"Oh yeah. What I just say?" she said placing her black fingernails on her face holding up her head on the library desk.

"Uhm... Somethin bout Jace brace face..." I mumbled and went back to my book. I heard kassandra say something else but decided to ignore it. When she was on a jace kick she never stopped. Kassy hit me again.

"Geezus Kassy cut it out..." I whined. That damn people's magazine hurt.

"This is important stuff Anna. They said Jace is going to school somewhere in Oceanside... We live in Oceanside!" Kassandra said crushing the magazine in excitement.

"Goof ball. That's just a bunch of gossip. What makes you think he wants to come here."

"I sent him a letter asking. Duhh..." she said as if I was completely out of the loop. I lookedat her and laughed. Sometimes Kassandra went over the top. I looked out the window and realized it had stopped raining.

"Shall we ditch or try to make it to class?" I asked casually. We always discussed this on rainy days.

"Ditch. I have Harrison next and I would prefer to shoot myself in the face thank you very much." she said flipping her black hair over her shoulder. I nodded in agreement.

"Touché. I really hate that man." Kassandra got up and wiped off the remanded of lunch off her skinny jeans and Black Viel Brides shirt. I loved Andy Sixx. If you wanted to talk about musical talent bring him or his dad up and I would be all in that conversation. I stood up and dusted off my chained skirt ,pinstripe tights ,and asking Alexandria shirt. Had to stay nice and shiny. If you are curious yes Kassandra and I were one of the school weirdos. You may think it sucks but we love it. Why? Cause we can do anything and people say it's okay those are just the school freaks and our actions are excused. Ofcourse there is the side bullying but I pretty much handle Kassandra and I's problems. Kassandra stretched Nder out a wookie of yawn.

"Geez Wookie. I'm half expecting Luke skywalker to pop out." I said laughing. Kassandra glared At me.

"I changed my mind. I'm going to Harrisons. I don't associate with people who are hurtful." Kassandra said play sniffling.I gave her a look.

"I lied. Never mind. Nothing is worth that. I'd het beaten with a stick before I went there on purpose."'she laughed. We linked arms and wLkedout of the library quietly so the librarian wouldn't call our teachers.

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