Chapter 4: Holy Creeper Batman

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Okay so Ill be honest with you guys... This is a really short chapter, BUT I PROMISE THE NEXT ONE WILL BE LONGER so don't kill me... -.- ehehehe...

Well enjoy. oh and kassandra rea it. She denied her spaz for guys... Liar! Lol I love you kassandra ^_^ 

Oh and Annabells Aunt to tge right my dead. Good? 





Chapter 4: Holy Creeper Batman

I waved bye to Kassandra.I sighed in relief. School was over for the day and life was good. I headed down my familiar path. Down a dark alley... I'm totally kidding. I just walk around the school... Then walk a couple of blocks to get home. I started on my way and before I know it I was knocked against a brick wall. I felt the air leave my chest and my head smack against the brick. 

"Ow..." I groaned sinking to my knees. I looked up to see two oh so familiar faces. 

"You think you would get tired of forcing me to give you all of my money. Since I'm rich and everything Ed and Stephen." I heard snickers. 

"You know, girls with cocky mouths don't get far." Ed said. 

"Yes, and boys who don't realize how perverted their comments are get laughed at by the whole school." I barked attempting to stand up. Stephen grabbed my shoulders and slammed me against the bricks again. My head smacked against it copycating the first time. 

"Wooh, never start with the head. The victim gets all fuzzy." I said quoting the joker. Ed smirked. He had caught on, but Stephen still seemed lost. 

"Look, make this easy. The money?" Stephen said close to my face. I spit in it and he forced a kiss. I bit down on his bottom lip causing it to bleed. 

"Ah! You Bitch!" Stephen yelled letting go of me. I took off running the other direction. Ed reached out with his abnormally long arms. He quickly had a hold in my hair and whipped me back causing me to come crashing to the ground. A tear slipped from my eye from pure pain. 

"Aw is the baby ganna cry?" Ed teased. Stephen was still whimpering bout his lip. 

"That's not a tear, that's acid dripping down my face from hatred." I said sarcastically. Ed kicked me in the side and I swear I heard something crack. An unflattering oof left my mouth. This caused Ed to smile in triumph. 

"Where's the money dolly. It in your shirt?" he asked starting for my chest. I watched hopeless until Ed disappeared from my sight?...wait what?...I heard fighting sounds and scampering feet. A dark figure leaned over and picked me up.  

"You alright?" it asked. 

"Ugh... You sound like a chain smoker..." what can I say it was the first thing in my mind. 

"Your welcome." chain-smoker said. 

"Thanks." I would attempt to stand up but any movement sent shocks of pain signals to my brain causing me to gasp.  

"Did he break anything?" 

"I don't know Sherlock you tell me." I choked out. I heard a grunt in dissatisfaction.  

"It looks like it..." he said walking somewhere. 

"What do you mean looks? Is my bone sticking out?" I asked frantically. 

"No, it is not." the voice sound a little amused. 

"Hey, were are you taking me. Just cause you saved doesn't mean I'm putting out." I retorted attempting to fight out of the strong hands. The pain made me stop. 

"I know someone who can help you." was all he said after my episode. I gave up attempting an escaping. If this guy wanted to hurt me he could just drop me. 

"Who are you?" I asked leaning my head against the black clothing. 

"Let's just say you are a fan of mine." he said. I could hear the smirk in his words. Fan of his what the he'll didn't that mean. 

"Holy Geezus Batman, you're a straight up creeper." I said. Holy Geezus Batman was something I added before I insulted someone.  

"Not a creeper, I just like the dark." My head was to fuzzy to even attempt to put that together. It was already dark outside. Thanks a lot daylight savings time. My aunt was probably shitting herself scared. 

"Hey, you think you could just drop me at my place?" I asked curiously. I sounded drugged up. The hands set me down in a sleek seat and I heard a car door shut. I was in this guys car...lovely. This was it he was going to rape me. Was this my stalker? Great... I heard the car start up and we were gone. This car was to fast for any normal kind. We stopped in front of a hospital. The police officer, Captain Rango, was waiting outside of it. 

"Rango, here she is." was all the guy said handing me over. I felt my weight sag against the officer. 

"Thanks Batman. Her Aunt's been worried sick." 

My mind was to tired to connect the Batman phrase. I just thought wow Captain's really lost it. Next thing I knew I was out cold...


So yeah! There's our Batman ladies and gents :3 I'm gamma let you know


There will be other heros and it won't be just DC superheroes <3

So yeah... I got to excited... I had to tell lol. ^_^  



THROW A PIRATE AT KASSANDRA! ( wait she might actually enjoy that... >.> we will throw monkeys at her)


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