Chapter 8: Batsnapped

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Gah!! I'm so sorry. I thought I ha uploaded this like three days ago! Wattles lied. So here is mah 8th chapter my batty lovahs. I Sowy I took so long. I'm smart so yeah I have a lot of hard classes. Hard classes=unnerving amount of homework=brain damage... Lol. Well anyway here ya go!!

Boom shakalaka Barry to the side mah dears ------>





Chapter: Batsnapped

Since Im an over sensitive jerk wad Micheal was no longer speaking to me. Scratch that. He wasn't even looking at me. I silently cursed myself at lunch. Watching Jackie throw herself at Micheal. I bit down on my corndog stick and it broke in half in my mouth.

"You okay?" Ray asked. Kassandra was sick today. She forgot to inform me of this so my happy ass had to hike it all the way to school.

"ya why do you ask?" I said spitting out the stick with a venomous charge. Ray flinched a bit.

"You look like your going to eat those two like some heathen." He said scrunching up his face and glancing at the two sharing some french pastry. Yeah well... Whores come from France so that would explain why Jackie was eating it. Yeah, eat that whorey pastry. I turned my attention to Ray.

"Uhm Ray. Not if I use a fork. It is considered progression if a cannibal uses a fork so I would no longer be a heathen." Ray raised an eyebrow at me.

"Are you serious Anna. Do you hear yourself?" he asked. I shrugged.

"Sure. Whatever you say." I obviously wasnt paying attention to him. In fact I was paying attention to this hot tamale walkin towards me. He let a grin slide and the broken stick fell from my hands. Whoo someone needed to call smokey bear. This boy was on fire! Ray nudged me with his foot and I came back to my senses.

"Anna hi me... I mean hi I'm Anna. And you are?" I said wanting to smack myself in the face. Anna hi me? What the hell was that gibberish. His hand was in my face and I took it while he firmly shook my hand.

"Names Barry Allen." he said in a cool guy tone. Why did that name sound so familiar?... Whatever I was loosing my mind anyways.

"I-I Uhm can I help you? I mean whatchya need?" I said gulping. What was all the hot guys talking to me? It's like god wanted me to keel over with a heart attack.

"Well I was wondering if I could chill with you two." he said easing his eyebrow. This Barry Allen guy had blonde, I mean BLONDE hair with those gorgeous blue eyes that make you swoon. Oh I wasn't swooning I was fuckin spinning in circles. I looked over at Ray who seemed to have a glare on his face. I kicked his leg under the table and be gave me a look of surprise. I placed my hands under my chin, spread my lips into a pleasant smile, and batted my eyelashes.

"Well only if you think youre cool enough." I smirked. He sighed.

"Looks like you'll have to check and see if I am" he shrugged. Was that sarcasm I hear? Ooh sarcasm was hot. Yep, I didn't care. I was drooling. Well not literally, but pretty damn well close. I scooched over so he could sit by me. He sent a deliberate knowing look at Ray. Almost like a smirk playing on his lips when he did so. I looked over to see Micheal clearly glaring at Barry. Wow, could you be a little less obvious. Please and thank you. I wanted to throw a French fry at him. He looked at me and shook his head. Oh really? You're going to shake your head when Jackie is practically breast feeding you? Hell no.

"Micheal something bothering you?" I called to him. His eyes widened in surprise.

"Quiet Batty freak. Nobody wants your opinion." Jackie snubbed out. Oh she did not want to play the wit game with me. I would win.

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