Chapter 6: His Faithful Sidekick

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Alright so obviously I changed Ray. Cause it was necessary. Lol. I'm really sorry that this chapter sucked. I had a horrible writers block.. HORRIBLE.. But it was okay to right. I found the new Ray by watching Heathers lol. Well Bai Bai.





Chapter 6: His Faithful Sidekick

I was gladly being let out of the hospital today. My Aunt pulled up to the house in her little slug bug. I got out and if I could hug a house I would. I missed my home. My Aunt smiled.

"I started a new project in the den." she said unlocking our giant garage door. It flew up and we both walked in. The colors and art on the walls warmed my heart.

"I'll have to look it later. I need to go have a conversation with my bed and pinkie." I said heading up the crazy looped stairs. My Aunt threw my keys up to me.

"I fed pinkie by the way. He misses you." she said with a teasing smile. Pinkie was my albino mouse. My aunt always thought it was silly I preferred a mouse over a pet cat. Pinkie was my best of all best friends though. I ran up the stairs. Our dogs Shenron, Zuescifer, and Thor following my feet. My room looked frozen in place. Nothing had been moved. My cami blankets draped over my broken futon, my black and green curtains flowing with the breeze of my open window. All my lovely posters sticking around. I heard Pinkie squeek and I made my way across the room.

"Aww how's my pinkie?" I said picking her up and letting her crawl onto my shoulder. She curried up next to my neck. Like a little puffball on my shoulder. That was her way of giving me a hug.

"I missed you too pinkie." I said phone in the room rang.

"I got it!" I called to my aunt. No response which ment she was t getting it. She was to busy painting.

"Hello?" I said picking up the phone and putting my foot in front of Thor so he would stop jumping to get Pinkie.

"Taylor?" Rays familiar voice came through the speaker.

"Oh hey Ray! What's up?" Thor jumped up sending me to my feet. Pinkie jumped off my shoulder and scurried to her little corner. Thor went after her. I grabbed his collar. This scene would have been all to comical. Me spread across the floor holding the phone up with a shoulder trying to keep my pit bull/ boxer puppy from eating my pet mouse.

"Can I come over? Haven't seen you and I just wanted to check up on ya." he said. I grunted as my dog pulled harder. Shenron ,my biggest dog, came over and gave me a big sloppy lick on the face.

"Ew gross Shenron..." I complained Kerri go of Thor. He dashed after Pinkie and she quickly moved into the nook of my legs as I sat crisscross. I beard Ray laughing over the phone.

"Sure. Sounds good." my Aunt came up to see what all the halabaloo was.

"Take him." I mouthed pointing to Thor. He cutely wagged his tail and perked up his ears. My Aunt laughed and called him out of the room.

"Alright I'll be over shortly." the phone clicked and the dial tone came on.

"That's cool. Don't say bye." I scoffed and threw the phone on my bed. About 30 minutes later when I had Pinkie calmed down and back in her cage the doorbell rang.

"That's Ray. Can you let him in!" I yelled down to my Aunt. I heard paint brushes move and the garage door open. A sharp gasp came.

"Hello Auntie." I heard his voice say. Kassandra and Ray called her Auntie too.

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