Chapter 34

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Happy Late Valentine's Day!!!❤️
Sorry the chapter's late but there is an AN at the end explaining why.

(Katherine's POV)

I opened my eyes and looked around, but saw nothing.

I was in the middle of a road with trees along it but no houses.

The road was completely deserted and there was no one or car in sight.

I listened to the deathening silence around me when I heard it.


A car must be coming through here.

I stepped off the road, towards the trees and hid behind one as I watched a car coming along the road dangerously fast.

It looked as if it was going 70mph on a 20mph road.

I was confused: why would someone be driving this fast on a road where accidents could happen easily?

I mean, there was a bend coming up and you could hardly see if a car was coming around it and if there was, you would crash straight into it.

What's more is that this car was driving in the middle of the road and not to one side.

I looked towards the road and my eyes widened.

There was a large hump in the middle of it that was used to slow down cars.

The driver would have to slow down before going over the hump to stop from jolting foward in the car if the car was going too fast, or to save the suspension in the car and not damage it.

I looked towards the car and then the hump again.

At the speed the car's going at, it will fly through the air, land flipped over and skid along the road if it hits the hump.

I can't let that happen.

Just as I was about to step onto the road and try and do something, it was too late.

The car had hit the hump.

I watched, shocked , with my eyes widened in horror as the car flew through the air, doing a somersalt midair before crashing upside down on the road once more, the hood of the car skidding across the road.

I was frozen in place, unable to move as I saw someone in the car, unmoving.

There's someone in there...

My eyes seemed to widen even more when Mr Collins words echoed in my head:

'After 2 years, there was a terrible accident: she had died in a car crash.'

My body immediately came out of it's shock and I ran towards the car as I saw a small flame light.


I ran faster when I saw the flame had joined the oil from the car, making the flame become bigger.

This can't happen. She's in there!

But everything seemed to slow down, as the flame reached the car, and the world was rushing around me once again
and the wind hit my face.

I open my eyes only for wind to hit my face yet again, but this time it stopped after a second or two and I didn't feel the need to close my eyes.

My Obsessive Stalker (werewolf story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora