Chapter 6

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Before you start reading I'd just like to say there is a A/N at the end of this chapter and has some info about one of the characters in this book and chapter that is pretty important. It is the bit written in normal writing
Thank you xx.

Katherine's POV


"Becky, I made it. I'm at home but I can still feel the eyes on me" I say the last part quietly as I lean against my front door breathing heavily.

"It's okay Katherine. As long as your inside you should be safe for a while. Now, I need you to lis..." she was cut off by my whimper.

"Katherine, are you o..."

"Becky, there's someone upstairs", I whispered through the phone while looking up towards my staircase, where there is no light to see if anyone is up there.

"Katherine, do not go upstairs. Are you listening? Do not go upstairs. Now listen very carefully..." She says trying to sound calm and gentle for my sake.

I whimpered as a response as she spoke with authority in her voice.

"Now, I want you to quietly go into the kitchen and get out a silver knife. It has to be silver. It just has to be. Be as quiet as you can so the person upstairs doesn't know you're in the kitchen okay and make sure you're still on the line. No matter what do not hang up and, I repeat, it has to be a silver knife and you have to be as quiet as you can okay? Can you do that?" She asks me as I hear her moving around at the other end of the phone.

"I...I th...think I c...can do that" I whisper and stutter at the same time, while tip-toeing an eyeing the stairs as I walk past them.

I make to the kitchen, turning on the light and look behind me. I make my way to my knife draw and start looking for a silver knife.

"Becky, I can't fin one" I whimper, scared.

"It's okay. You see the vase next to your kitchen window with the fake flowers in them...", she says as I star right at it, "take the flowers out and inside you'll find a small silver knife taped to the inside of the vase" she said while I gawk at it in surprise.

"I don't have time I explain Katherine. Just get the vase, take the flowers out and take the silver knife that's taped inside. Do it now" she instructs me and I immediately oblige.

I take the vase, take the flowers out and there it is, a silver knife. I take it into my hands and look behind me.

"Okay, Becky I have it? What now?" I whisper in a shaky breath.

She sighs before saying, "I need you to make your way to your front door and get out of the house. I can't risk you getting hurt Kath. I need you to get out."

"What?" I ask confused.

What if the person upstairs the the one who's been stalking me since the beginning of school? What then?

I can't just let that person get away. I won't let that person get away.

I need answers. Why has 'he' been following me? What interests 'him' so much? Is it because 'he' thinks I'm an easy target?

And most importantly, what does 'he' want from me?

I needed the answers and I needed them now.

I sigh knowing what Becky will say or do once I tell her what I'm about to do. Hopefully, if nothing bad happens she'll be able to forgive me.

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