Chapter 5

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Chapter 5!!! Hope you enjoy!!! Much Much Much more drama in this chapter!!!!

(Katherine's P.O.V)

It's about 9:30 and Jason and his dad left saying they had some business to attend to so they thanked me, and left me a 10 dollar tip. I know, really generous of them so I refused, but they insisted.

After they left I couldn't feel 'his' eyes on me anymore. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. My eyebrows soon scrunched up in confusion.

'Why can't I feel his eyes on me anymore? Is he playing with me? Is it even a he?' I thought to myself.

I'd decided to call the someone a man so I have something to go on since the only girls I really talk to are Becky, Ruby and Bethany. The rest are basically guys.

I shook my head with a little frown on my face. Of all people why is this happening to me?! I've never done anything wrong in my life!

The hours ticked by slowly and consisted of me cleaning tables and taking orders.

When 11:30 had finally came everyone had left and I, June and the people who worked in the kitchen were the only ones left in the diner.

I let out a sigh and took off my apron before putting it behind the counter. I then get my bag and coat and put my coat on while heading for the door. I looked behind me one more time to make sure everything was tidy.

"Bye everyone", I called behind me as I opened the door.

A chorus of byes followed as I stepped out. I took a deep breath of the autumn air and started to make my way home.

As I walk the hairs on the back of my neck stood up again and the uneasiness settles in the pit of my stomach once more.

I looked behind me but saw nothing.

I picked up my pace and then I heard it. I heard the footsteps. I walked faster and faster. I looked behind me again but still, nothing.

I was practically running now and I still felt 'his' eyes on me. I was now 5 streets away and if I didn't get help soon who know what'd happen to me.

My phone started ringing in my bag. I stopped running and hastily opened it, sighing a little in relief as I saw Beckys' name pop up. I answered and started walking again but at a faster speed than normal while still looking behind me.

Before Becky could say anything I started talking.

"Becky, I'm scared! Someones following me and I don't think I can make it home! Please help me! What should I do?!" I whisper yell at her while running off again as the footsteps are within my hearing range again.

Tears are now forming in my eyes but I shake my head and get rid of them.

"Katherine calm down and listen to me okay. I want you to run with all you've got okay. Make sure to stay on the line. Whatever you do, do not hang up. I need you to stay on the line, do you understand?" she asked in a serious voice as I kept running.

I was now 2 streets away. Maybe there was hope.

"Yes I understand. I'm two streets away from my place. I can get there in two minutes if I keep running. Becky, I'm scared", I whimper as I keep running.

Just 1 more street away. Keep going!

"I know honey, but you can do it. Keep going! Don't stop and no matter what you do don't look behind you, it'll only slow you down. Keep going honey. You're almost there" she says, concern and fear lacing her voice but I know she's trying to be strong for me.

"Becky I see my door. I can do this, I can do this..." I say more to myself than her.

I reach my door; keys ready in my hands and unlock the door before closing it behind me, locking it and switching on the hallway and living room light. I didn't freak about all the windows in the house because I had already closed them.

"Becky, I made it. I'm at home but I can still feel the eyes on me" I say the last part quietly as I lean against my front door breathing heavily.

"It's okay Katherine. As long as your inside you should be safe for a while. Now, I need you to lis..." she was cut off by my whimper.

"Katherine, are you o..."

"Becky, there's someone upstairs", I whispered through the phone while looking up towards my staircase, where there is no light to see if anyone is up there.


Cliff hanger!!!!! Please don't kill me! I just had to do it.

I know this was a short chapter but...

What do you guys think of this chapter?
Was it dramatic?
Who do you think is in her house?
What do you think she's going to do?

Please comment what you think will happen!

Thanks for reading!




Jamilah1125 xx

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