Chapter 7

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Katherine's POV

I am sitting on the sofa with my favourite mug filled with hot chocolate, and a blanket is placed over me.

It's Sunday afternoon and its been raining all day. I've decide to stay in my pyjamas because I wasn't going anywhere so what was de point in changing right?

Knowing, if mum was here she'd cone out of the kitchen, spoon in hand, an tell me to go right upstairs and change into a clean pair of clothes.

I smiled as I remembered the day I got a B+ on a surprise history test, but was hoping for a A.

Falshback-Katherine POV

"I can't believe I got a B+ on that damn test! Stupid Mr Wholesworth! He so gave it to me in purpose; let's face it, I'm not exactly an angel.

I bet he set the whole thing up! Just to get back at me for speaking back to him after I corrected him when he had got something wrong. I mean come on! Everyone knows that it was Charles the first made the deal with the Scots to start the second civil war in 1648! Not in 1650! It's a wonder how he is a History teacher when he doesn't even get his facts right!

And then theres the fact I put super glue on his chair so when he sat down the chair was stuck on his butt and couldn't get up.

But did I really deserve a B+!

I swear in class, when we were all seated he looked straight at me and said there would be a History test on everything. And I mean everything! Everything we had learnt in the whole year.

Mind me, but I did get the highest mark in the whole class, but still! He knows how much my marks mean to me in order for me to go to the perfect college!

I was supposed to get an A but nooooooo; he just had to get his stupid revenge! That dimwit!" I mumble to myself as I sit in my bed at 10am in the morning.

'U know what? I'm not even going to change today. Might as well mope around in my pyjamas' I thought to myself.

I walked over to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and made my way down.

Hopefully mum wouldn't say anything. Or, even better yet, wouldn't notice.

"Honey, go upstairs and change right now! I don't care what grade your teacher gave you and how miserable you are about it! A woman should always be neat and tidy. Bow go upstairs and change into anything, but make sure it's clean" she lectured me as I stood in front of her.

I knew it would have been asking too much for her not to notice. But come on! The least she could've done is not say anything.

"But muuuuuuuuuuuuuuum" I whined.

"Don't 'muuuuuuuuuuuuuuum' me. Go upstairs and change".

I was about to say something but dad interrupted me. Really dad, really!?

"Oh, leave her be Sarah. She's not going anywhere so there is no point is there?" He said.

Never mind dad! Say anything you like. In fact interrupt us whenever you like...just as long as your taking my side.

Mum glared at dad and I stifled my laughter.

She then turned to look at me and I gave her the puppy dog eyes and pouty lips. There is no way she can say no to this!

Her eyes softened and I knew I had her. Yes!

"Fine! Stay in your pyjamas but only for today" she said sternly, making me bod and allowing her to go back into the kitchen to continue making the chocolate chip pancakes.

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