Chapter 15

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(Katherine's POV)

I enjoyed the winter breeze hitting my face as I swung back and fourth.

It's been too long since I had gotten some alone time, and by alone time I mean actual alone time.

It felt so good to be at peace even if it was for a couple of minutes (hopefully hours).

I continued swinging back and fourth listening to the silence that engulfed me.

The park was deserted. It was too cold for the kids to come out and play with all the snow covering the ground and roads.

They had already cleared up the roads once but the snow would always pile up again.

Even if it was snowing lightly, that didn't mean that the snow would stop anytime soon.

The sky continued to stay white as the clouds covered the sky. It seemed like a miserable day but I enjoyed cold days just like rainy ones.

I enjoy cold, snowy ones more as they make me numb to the bone until I can't feel anything.

It helps me forget about everything; all me worries; all the pain; all the memories I don't want to remember.

It may seem weird but that's how I deal with it when I want to get away from the world for at least a minute or two, just like now.

I was already numb so I decided to walk back home.

I sighed and got up from the swing and started walking.

The winter air continued hitting my face as I walked.

School was tomorrow and it seemed like the holidays went by quickly, although it didn't.

But then again maybe it was because someone was constantly watching me.

I shook my head as I reached my door and unlocked it.

I stepped inside and the warmth immediately wrapped around me.

I took my coat off and hung it up and went to sit on my sofa.

I felt so tired today and I knew exactly why. It was because of the text and it's been bugging me all day...

'Do you think life improved for the African Americans after slavery was abolished? Explain your answer fully and make sure to add reasons along with quotes from the different sources'

I sighed looking down at my history assignment. It shouldn't be too hard right. We had discussed it in class so it should be easy.

I grabbed my history book and turned it to the next clean page.

I decided to write that it improved to some extent but also didn't improve.

As I began my introduction my phone buzzed.

I looked down at my phone and say Becky's name pop up along with the whatsapp icon.

I rolled my eyes at her. She's been texting me all week about how her boyfriend wasn't spending enough time with her during the holidays.

All the of the girls have been texting me all week complaining about how their boyfriends are too busy for them.

And every time I ask what they're doing they avoid the subject, but I guess is nothing. You get used to it after a while.

I decided to ignore the text and continued to write my answer, making sure to add detail.

My phone continued to buzz telling me I was getting more messages.

I sighed and decided to answer her to stop her texting. Plus I needed a break.

I opened up my whatsapp but was surprised at what I saw.

I got a text from an unknown number and I decided to check what it said.

As I opened up the chat my breath hitched and my heart rate picked up. I was pretty sure my heart stopped for at least one minute.

I closed my eyes, taking in a deep breath trying to calm my breathing down as I gripped my phone tightly in my hand.

After I got it back in check I opened my eyes and looked down at the lit screen, before my breathing started to pick up again.

"I'm coming for you love. I'm coming to take what's mine."


So what do you guys think?

I really hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I'll try and update ASAP!

Thank you guys for reading!




Jamilah1125 xx

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