Chapter 5

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i actually never have a thought to meet someone like Jungkook in this new place; since i just moved here one month ago; i'm not that close with my neighbor and i'm not wanting to talk to them. i'm not a talkative person, but since i met Jungkook, i really want to talk to him.

i have always tried to start a conversation with him, but we end up sit in silence, and having Jungkook to start it or breaking the awkward silences.

i felt awkward after i introduce myself, and i saw Jungkook, he must've felt uneasy too.

he was really kind, even though his face sometimes blank and seems unfriendly.

well, i wish i can pass this awkward state.

but, meeting Jungkook and seeing how he acts actually reminds me of one book, and the book was the one that i gave to him, at the second time we met each other.

yes, the 'First Love' Book.

i'd be lying if i'm saying that i don't want the story to happen in my life. Jungkook was different in my eyes.

and everytime he came visiting me, i have a weird feeling inside of me, but i was happy. i have never got excited to wait for the next day to come. it's been weeks since Jungkook came daily, and it means it's also been weeks since the last time i got a proper sleep.

my head was full in thought of him. i really want to tell him how i feel, but i know he'll hate it. who knew if he'd liked boys? i don't want to ruin the friendship i had just started with him, but the problem is, i just can't wait.

and today in the morning, Jungkook came to visit me, again. he was stunning as ever. why am i having such thoughts?

he was bringing the book i gave him on his hand and a paper bag with 2 cups of coffee. he's walking passing me, and towards his favorite spot, was the chair near the window, and below the air conditioner. i wonder why he likes that. unlike me, i would definitely got a headache if i sit there for hours.

and i'm waiting for a few seconds, waiting for him to say, 

"Jimin hyung, how are you?" as he waved his hand to me.

it's the words he always said every morning. i never get tired hearing that words from him, and it becomes my favorite words.


"Hyung, i'm going now" he's facing me while walking backwards and waving to me. i stand next to the door, waving back to him, while the other hand searching for my car keys in my pocket. Jungkook turned around and continued walking home.

his figure slowly disappearing from my eyes. i wish he would've stayed longer but, who am i forcing him? he's a teenager, meanwhile me, i'm already 20.

i open my car lazily, throwing my bag to the passenger seat. i get in to the car and close the door. 

i sighed repeatedly, regretting for not offering Jungkook a ride. and until now, i still don't have his numbers. there's no way i can communicate to him. i started driving home.

i'm arrived in front of my small house, almost outside of this town. i'm walking to the porch, and the sound of my annoying jingling keys from my pocket. once i get in to my house, i tossed my shoes, too lazy to arrange them up. 

i started sighing when i enter my bedroom. my bed was a mess, random clothes that i forgot to fold. books scattered on the floor, and an empty mug next to my computer. 

i shove my bag to an empty corner of my room and began cleaning everything one by one. i took my mug outside, put it on the sink together with my dishes. doing the dishes was another thing that i barely do. picking up the books one by one and piled them up, because i was too tired to rearrange them on the shelf. 

i decided to take a quick shower because i really want to continue my works; writing books. 

this is the thing that made me can't have a proper sleep; thinking about Jungkook and put them into words; i'm making a story to be exact.

Jungkook. one name which when i heard it once, it could haunt my mind forever. remembering his laughing voice, his soft scent everytime he walks in front of me. 

perfect. one word that describes all of him.

i've never obsessed in something like this, but he was different. the only way i could describe him is making it into a story. putting my feelings into a story and it'll be a lot easier to describe everything about Jungkook. 

every moment i spend with him was worth remembering and i could put it into a story. this is the only way i can capture my memories.

i feel like, i started to like him.

but i'm afraid, he wouldn't feel the way i do, and even worst when i find out that he didn't like boys.

"i should wait for a time..."


a/n : idk what this was haha. i keep writing everything that was on my mind >//<

please let me know what you think so far :)

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