Chapter 14

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I felt an arm around my waist and i also feel someone was leaning on my shoulder.

  Soft snore sounds filling the silence this morning. I opened my eyes slowly and look to my next. Jungkook's small figure coming into focus. I brushed away his bangs that almost covering his eyes to see his face clearly, wishing he won't woke up yet because i still want to look at you closer and enjoy your beauty while you sleep.

But he woke up.

His eyes slowly looking up, stared back at me with his wide, innocent eyes. I smiled softly, mesmerized by the sight of his lips, turning up into a smile.

I took his hand in mine, resting it on my chest and intertwined our fingers.

"Good morning, Jungkook..." i spoke softly, looking at his tired eyes as if he wanted to go back to sleep and continue his journey in his dreamland, but he smiled instead,
"Good morning..."

I let out a small laugh, gently pushing his head to me and kissed his forehead. His arm moved,  tighten the grip around my waist and burrying his face on my neck.

Last night, we end up sleeping together, he asked for it. it's already late at night anyways, and i agreed on that, because i miss Jungkook so much.

He keep on teasing me, i gently pushed him away, i hovered over him. He just laughed, as if he already wins. I just smirked, slowly leaned down and pressed my lips to his.

I deepened the kiss as we both close our eyes. His lips were soft, making me want it more and more.

I pulled away and look at him, watching his chest rise and fall quickly. His hands gripping the front of my shirt, pulling me closer. As i'm getting closer, he cupped my face, giving me a peck.

He smiled sheepishly, and his face turned red. I ran my fingers through the wisp of his hair, leaned in and kissed his forehead for a few seconds.

"You're beautiful..." i whispered.

His eyes were glowing as the sunlight finding its way in through the gap on the curtain. His fingertips touching my collarbone, and my skin burned under his touch.

My arms can't hold on, my body collapsed on top of him. He shut his eyes tight, breaths coming in quickly.

"S-sorry...did i hurt you?" I quickly get up and moved to his next.

He looked at me, smiling and shook his head.

I don't want this to end. I wanted to stay in the bed all day with him, but it sounds impossible.

I have to go to work.

I'm opening back my bookstore.


i quickly walk to my house, i'm afraid that my mom will angry because i was not home last night.

but no...

my house was empty. 

she's not home yet?

i though she'll be home yesterday from her trip to Busan.

i take my phone and quickly dialed her number.



"mom?" i asked curiously.


"kookie, i miss you so much!"

"'re not going home? i thought you're already home last night" i furrowed.

"i'm sorry son...i still have so many things to do here, and i have to go to the hospital for a check up"


wait, she's sick...?

"mom, are you okay? please don't make me worry..."

"nothing to worry son...i'm not feeling well, but nothing serious, i just often got a headache" her voice is getting weaker.

"But're still worrying me! i want to visit you there.."

"sshh...don't worry too much, okay...? just stay at home so that i'm not worry about you for going out by yourself..." she said softly, but she coughed at the end.

"mom, please be safe...i miss you..." i'm sobbing.

"please don't cry, you're making me want to cry boy is strong, remember?"

i sniffled, but i'm trying to smile. her voice calming me down. she reminded me back then when i said that i want to grow to be a strong person that will protect my mom.

i laughed softly, and i could hear her laughed too.

"i remember mom...please be home really soon, okay...?" i said again.

"i'll make sure i will, okay i have to you"

"love you too..."


a/n : i've prepared this chapter :3

please let me know what you think and kindly give a vote <3


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