Chapter 3

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So the shop has opened.

I double-knotting my shoelaces so that i wouldn't stop my walk to tie them.

Today is probably going to be a good day. I barely seeing butterflies in my small garden in front of my house. And i'd loved to hear the chirping sounds of the birds in the morning; which i barely hear it lately.

And the breeze -- i really love the breeze -- makes this morning complete.

I'm walking in a hurry, towards my probably new favorite place. I'm just excited because it's been long since a new shop opened in this town and i wonder why a new people wanted to open their shop in here because, you's just a small town and you'd already know that not many people lived here like in a big city.

And here i am, a few meters away from the shop, i mean...i'm right across. I smiled to myself, seeing the 'open' sign hanging on the door. I crossed the street and walk towards the window.

I took a peek inside. Everything was arranged nicely inside this new bookstore. Everything looks new and new published books are displayed near the door. We can hardly find a bookstore in this town area. But thank god, someone is willing to open it here.

I push the door open and i could hear a bell ring.

This store is way better if you're inside it. You could see everything was neat and clean. Scented-candle was on, making its soft scent filling this room. Smelled like fresh strawberries.

I'm observing this store, and also looking for a nice book to read. I don't usually read books, but i have so many books in my house. I collect them, not reading them.

I'm too busy looking around until someone greet me, "welcome,". The voice sounded familiar on my ears. I turned around. There...the owner was ahead of me, and he's not a stranger maybe, it was the boy that i helped 4 days ago.

That boy was giving me a surprised look and his mouth was opened slightly. We stared at each other for a few seconds.
"Aren't you the guy that picking up my book?" That boy started. I look away and nodded slowly.

"Thank you for helping me," he added.

I wasn't sure about the feeling on my chest, and i'm sure that i'm blushing.
His eyes were pretty...and now i can see his face clearly.

He's quiet attractive. His hair was orange but it looked soft. He's not too tall. His lips were soft pink and his skin was really clear and radiant.

"Umm...what are you looking for..?" That boy asked me. I didn't realize i was staring at his face the whole time. I closed my eyes and shook my head quickly to throw away those weird thoughts, "what am i doing??"

I gain my strength to speak to him, "i-i for uh-..nice book to read" i stuttered. That boy smiled to me, "maybe i can help you looking for it, follow me" he said.


i do what he told me. He was walking to the novel section. So many novels that i had missed. Those books looks great but i don't know what makes me lazy to read.

"This book is really nice," the boy handed me a novel with white cover. I took it from his hand, it was lighter than it looks, i thought it'd be heavy.
"First love..." i mumbled the book's title. "Yes..the title making the book looks boring, but trust me, it's a really good book" he's making sure. "Have you read it?" I asked him, "i had finished the book when i was still in high school," he answered.

I smiled, "i'll buy it"

We both walked to the cashier. When i'm about to pay, the boy refused to take my money, "what's wrong?" I give him a confused look, "i'll give it for free because you're the first customer. I take you here because i just want to wrap this book for you" he said as he put the book inside a small paper bag.

"Ahh..really? Thank you for that" i let out a small laugh. The boy smiled again, and his eyes forming the cutest eye smile.

"I'm Jimin by the way.." he introduced himself. So it's my turn, right?

"I-i'm Jungkook.." i said nervously, "nice name, Jungkook"

"Thanks, you too, Jimin.." i take the paper bag away from his hand gently.

"I'll come again tomorrow,"


a/n : another update ;-;♡♡

It's going downhill omg. I always delete everything i wrote because i thought it was bad and i'm really nervous to publish it ;-; ><

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