Chapter 10

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"I need a time for myself..."

Those words keep repeating, and made me felt guilty. I should've not forcing him to answer.

My eyes are focusing to every of the clock movement. When is the night will come? Even the weather is not supporting.
Since in the morning, all that i saw is dark gray clouds, ready to pour all water it contains.

I let out a sigh, i'm really worried. The person that always inside of my head, how is he?
Since last night, he haunted me. How i wish he would be fine.

The clock signing that right now is 7 pm. I have to get ready, because i dont want Jimin to go...

Not again.

I took my umbrella with me and ran as fast as i could. I'm aimed to see Jimin, nothing else.

As soon as i arrived, the lights were still on, but why did he close it already?
I took a peek to the inside through the window.


Empty shelves...?

i scurried over to the door and open it immediately.

I walked towards Jimin, who kneeled down in front of the bookshelves. He was too busy to care; emptying those shelves; but i know he knew my existence next to him.

"Hyung..." i called him. But he gave no response.

He put all books into the boxes he had prepared, and he didn't even took a glance.

"Hyung!" I grabbed his shoulder, making him stand in front of me and pinned him to the bookshelf. His eyes were staring to mine, with tears pooled up his eyes. I suddenly regretted for doing this...he was...crying.

I wiped away his fallen tears with my thumb but he tried to look away, maybe he doesn't want me to see him crying.

"Hyung...please tell me, what happened to you...?  Why do you always try to avoid me?" I hold his shoulder even tighter, willing to know the answer.

He heaved, "my dad has died, there's nothing else you need to now..." he throw away my hands gently.

"Yo-your dad...? I-i'm sorry, hyung...i didn't mean to..but, what do you mean by these...?" I pointed to the boxes that can be seen at every corner of this room.

"Isn't it already clear...? I am moving to Busan, to continue my dad's works..." he bend down to pick up the box next to him and walked away.

Why's he acting like this...? He never ignored me.

My vision blurred by the tears on my eyes. My breath became unsteady, i clenched my hands.
I can't hold on...i was...angry.

My tears falling down, making my cheeks wet.

I took a step back and walk towards the exit door...

"Jimin hyung..." i called him again.

He still doesn't care about me. It's such a waste of time, i never thought he'd do this to me.

I gain my courage to speak...this will be the last chance for me...

"Is this the end of us? Is this your final decision...?"

He's still busy with himself, maybe he realy mean it.

"Maybe i'm here just to say goodbye and...i want you to know that..."

I heaved,

"I like you hyung...i hope you understand,"

I smiled and walk away, leaving him alone.

This is what he wants...

And i have to accept the fact,

That he'll leave and never comeback.


a/n : update :')

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