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{ Weiss }

I couldn't stop thinking about what happened between Lavender, Neptune, and I while Sun just stood in the background as he waited for the right moment to hold his friend back. Neptune just went out of control and was nearly about to go after me since he blamed me for ruining their relationship. It hurt me to see this happen. I felt horrible honestly. Yeah I'm happy that Lavender and I became a thing but it hurt to see Neptune get his heart broken. Practically all of our friends know what happened which makes it worse for me. I felt like I was the one to blame for this happening. Someone knocked on my door, which broke my hazy trance. When I opened the door, I was a little surprised to see Sun. "Can we talk," he asked. I nodded and let him in.

"Do you want anything to drink," I offered.

"No, thank you." The two of us sat down in the living room. I already knew why he was here though. It was about Neptune. "How's she holding up after what happened?" Wait, he was asking about Lavender?

"Still a bit rattled up from it. I just feel guilty for all of this."

"Don't. I knew that they weren't going to last from the beginning. I didn't pick Neptune as her type anyways." I sighed and leaned back against the couch. "Weiss, is it bothering you that much?"

"I feel like I ruined something just for my own benefit. I feel selfish even, guilty. I've never seen Neptune get like that and that scared me. Ever since that day, I've been like...this."

"Weiss, you didn't ruin anything. He's the one who hurt Lavender for his constant flirting. She shouldn't have had to go through that. Lavender gave her heart to him and that's how she gets repaid. Ever since she met you, she had this brighter look to her that made me think back to when the two of them first started dating. Lavender is lucky to have you. You've made her happy Weiss." I looked at him, seeing a small smile.

"Thanks Sun. That really helped me to hear that," I said in gratitude with a small smile of my own.

"Hey, that's what friends are for," he said. I laughed slightly and he did as well.


{ Lavender }

I could tell that Weiss was affected from what happened. I was about to go see her when he showed up at my door. "We need to talk Lavender," he spoke sternly.

"What's there to talk about Neptune? We're through," I said irritably. He pushed me back into my apartment and shut the door. "Neptune, get out of my apartment and leave me alone."

"I know you still love me Lavender. Come back to me and leave the little snowy princess," he said, trying to coerce me into taking him back.

"No Neptune. I stopped loving you awhile ago. At least I know that Weiss won't flirt in front of me whenever someone attractive walks by," I countered. That pissed him off.

"I don't flirt in front of you!"

"Not don't, didn't. There's a difference in wording here." He wasn't about to drop this. I was starting to get really annoyed, more like angry actually. "If you don't leave me and Weiss alone, I will issue a restraining order. I'm not dealing with you!"

"You wouldn't go that far Lav. Did you know that Weiss is just doing this to get attention?"

"Screw you! Just shut up already!" I slapped him across the face for the first time. Then I just walked out, not even caring. I just wanted to get to Weiss'. Luckily her apartment was within walking distance. Along the way, I blocked Neptune on my scroll since I knew that he wasn't going to stop until he got me back. I wasn't lying about the restraining order either. If Neptune didn't leave me and Weiss alone, then I will put one into place. It would be best if he left us alone so I wouldn't have to go that far in order to get it into his head that I won't be coming back.

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