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{ Blake }

I can't believe that I found my idol in a sense. I couldn't believe it when she was standing on the edge of the cliff, ready to just fall. She felt so alone in this world that she would take her own life just to be free, happy even. That day really changed her. I took my bow off to give my ears the chance to relax. My ears twitched once they were free of the bow. Eventually I walked over to her bureau to see if I could find anything to wear so I can sleep. I just grabbed a shirt and then sport shorts. My ears flattened slightly as I began to think of that day. She was just standing there in shock, not knowing what exactly happened. It was then when I knew that the match was rigged. Someone wanted Mercury to win this match and they got their wish from playing dirty. Yang was kind and caring. She wouldn't just go off and break his leg on purpose. Once I got changed into the clothes, I was about to go to bed when I heard crying. My ears perked up once I caught onto the sound. I put my bow back on and walked out of the bedroom to see if she was okay. There wasn't anyone else here but us. When I walked into the living room, I didn't know what to believe. Yang was...crying in her sleep. She was curled into a ball under the blanket and her body would twitch here and there. I decided to see if she was okay but I'm almost regretted it afterwards. "Yang," I whispered.

She sat up and nearly landed a punch on me. Fear and pain were written in her eyes, even on her face. "Blake," she asked, sounding slightly confused. I nodded slowly as I continued to look upon her. "D-Did I wake you? I'm sorry if I did." Something didn't seem right. I shook my head and then decided to sit near her on the couch.

"I wasn't asleep yet when I heard you crying," I said. She began wiping her eyes while trying to slow her breathing. My eyes noticed a slightly red mark on her chest. It looked like it was almost glowing in a way. Was it...a dust injury? I've heard of them happening to others but never seen one before on another person. Then others began to show on her skin. Red, yellow, purple, and blue marks colored her body, almost covering it entirely. What happened to her? How did she get these? She noticed my eyes and then realized what I was looking at. She immediately covered her body with the blanket but she couldn't hide the ones on her neck and face. "What happened?" I wanted to help her, I really did. Yang doesn't deserve this. None of it.

"I-I can't tell you. No one is s-supposed to know," she said solemnly with a slight stutter. She was afraid of something or someone. Without thinking, I slowly reached my hand out towards her. She reacted instantly just from having my hand coming towards her. I knew instantly right then what had happened to her. Why would someone hurt her like this? Eventually my fingers came in contact with one of them that was glowing a faint blue, having her flinch at first but that changed. It was like she began to relax, to feel comforted for the first time in years. She deserved kindness still even after that fight. Over the years I began watching her fights and reading the many articles published on her, I started to fall in love with her. I felt like I knew her even though we never met. She didn't know that and I wasn't sure if I wanted her to know. I mean, we just met and I have to witness her break down and die slowly on the inside.

"Not everyone is going to hurt you. I-I have one too," I said in confession. I got it from when my cousin was really drunk and I tried to take away the bottle he was nursing to savor the taste. I was thirteen at the time when that happened. He doesn't even remember that happening. I tried not to have my ears go slightly flat under the bow so she doesn't know. As we sat there in the silence, footsteps were right outside the door. Yang slightly shook in fear. I picked up another sound. It sounded like something was slid under the door. So I got up to see if there was anything left by the mystery person. There was an envelope on the floor in front of the door. It was addressed to Yang, the lettering perfect calligraphy. I walked back into the living room to sit with her again. Thing is, she started crying again while I was gone for that short amount of time. I wanted to cry myself from just seeing her in so much pain. I sat back down on the couch, closer to her this time. "Whoever it was left this." She looked up and gasped, recognizing the handwriting it looked like. With a shaky hand, she took the envelope in hand. I turned on a light so she could read it. Her reaction to it worried me. What could cause her from being so afraid of a note?

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