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{ Yang }

I woke up to find Blake on top of me. "G-Good morning," I stuttered. I have no clue what she had in mind. She smiled softly just before giving me a good morning kiss.

"Morning sleepyhead," she said softly in my ear.

"Blake, w-what are you doing?" I was a little afraid honestly. I shouldn't be afraid though with her. She's different than anyone else I've come across in my life. Blake lightly kissed along my jaw. I shivered, not from pleasure but from fear. "Blake? Blake, please stop," I squeaked. This wasn't like her. "Blake, please stop!" She finally sat up and looked at me. Her ears flattened and she got off of me.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," she said softly as she nearly began to cry. "I can't let this happen to me again." I was confused to what she was talking about.

"B-Blake, can't let w-what happen?"

"I get let like this when a certain person is near me. She..." Blake shook slightly. "She's in love with me Yang. She has this power that makes me get all riled up and out of control. She's the one here to kill you..."

"Well, too bad for her," I said with a slight sternness, like I was getting protective. Blake just stared at me with some shock. "She's not going to have you unless it's over my dead body. If... If I lose you, I don't know what may happen to me. You keep me sane and finally safe. No one has ever been able to do that for me Blake. You mean everything to me. You're beyond special to me. I won't let you go." I suddenly felt weak. Then something else happened. A certain scar lit up. It was one of the purple dust scars that was a jagged line from my collar bone to my navel. Blake started to reach out her hand towards me when I stopped her. "D-Don't touch me. I don't want you to get h-hurt." I hate it when this happens. Why did it have to happen now?

"Y-Yang," my girlfriend whimpered. It's always this one scar that does this to me. None of the others do anything, just this one.

"I'll be okay. Just don't touch me. I don't want to see it happen again to someone I love." Blake didn't believe me. She went against what I was asking her not to do. My scar made a copy of itself and was now on Blake. Blake was astounded. I began crying because of it happening again. This happened to Velvet, Neptune, and Ren. Now it's happened to the person I love most. I'm just a walking plague, a curse. I got up from the bed and just threw my clothes on from yesterday before running out of the apartment entirely.

"YANG! WAIT!" I'm nothing but a coward, a liar, a bad omen, just everything negative. Blake can't be around that. She can't be around me. I'm causing more harm to her by just staying with her. She should get away from me when she has the chance. I just kept running until somebody stopped me, knowing who exactly I was. It was my old coach.

"Well, I didn't expect to see you again," he grumbled. There was this look in his eyes that I remembered from long ago. I was so scared. I was about to run away from him too when he whipped me, just like he did when I was fifteen. I fell to the ground in tears. When he whipped me again, I let out a scream. I just want all of this to end!


{ Blake }

"YANG! WAIT!" She just ran away while in tears. I put my clothes on and went after her. "YANG! WHERE ARE YOU?!" I heard this scream, recognizing it immediately. I ran in the direction from where the scream came from. I came to a skidding stop when I saw her on the ground as she was being attacked by a man with a dust coated whip. No. I ran at him and knocked him to the ground. The whip fell out of his hand once we hit the ground.

"You have a pet to do your dirty work now? You haven't changed a bit," the man said. I had it! I grabbed the whip and allowed him to stand up. "Be a good kitty and give that back to me."

I glared at him. As he took a step towards me, I spun around and whipped him across the face. He cried in pain. "How do you like it?!" I threw him his whip back and then he ran off. Yang was still lying on the ground, not moving. My heart raced to the point that it nearly stopped itself. I rushed to her side, hoping that she was still alive. "Yang? Yang, wake up please. Don't do this to me," I whimpered. I did what I thought would be the answer to having her look at me again. My hands cupped her face as I kissed her. To my surprise, she did react to it but she pushed me away.

"Blake, just leave me alone. I-I'm dangerous to be around. I hurt you! I gave you another stupid scar like I've done to Velvet, Neptune, and Ren! I need to stop this, all of this," she shouted as fresh tears fell.

"Yang, I..."

"Let this girl who's madly in love with you kill me so I can be free of this pain! Let me die!"

"No! I'm not going to let you leave me here alone! I love you Yang! Where's my Yang?! I want my Yang back!" I was dying inside. It was like she was lost. I want her back! "Please Yang?! Come back to me..." She was shaking as she cried. All of her pain was killing her faster. I couldn't bear to see her like this anymore. Then she clung to me for dear life, sobbing.

"It hurts! It hurts so much," she cried. "I just want all of this to end Blake! I want the pain to go away!" I held her against me.

"I know you do babe. I know," I said softly in a shaky voice. That was the first time I ever stepped out of my comfort zone in years. "Please come home. Let's go back to bed. I'll keep you safe." She nodded and then I picked her up, carrying her back to the apartment.


{ Belladonna }

"I'm going to be gone for a short period of time. I need you to make sure that everything is in order by the time I come back Lucifer," I said to my right hand man.

"Yes, sir. I won't let you down," he said. Then I was off to meet up with Cinder.

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