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{ Weiss }

I sighed as I swirled the stirring straw in my coffee with my chin resting on my hand. I couldn't stop thinking about her. Lavender. She was beyond beautiful. Words couldn't even describe her. The sad thing is that she's with Neptune. I don't even know how they're still together since Neptune flirts with every girl he sees, even in front of Lavender. It probably hurts her or at least makes her jealous or angry. Neptune has hit on me a few times but I was never interested in him. It's Lavender that I want to be with than anyone else. "Hey Weiss," Ruby cheerfully greeted. She scared me.

"Ruby, don't sneak up on me," I scolded. She sat down across from me, seeing the look on my face and in my eyes.

"Thinking about her again," my friend asked. I nodded solemnly. "Weiss, there's other people out there. She's already with Neptune."

"Yeah, and have you seen how he acts in front of her when there's other girls? He still flirts with them. She shouldn't have to deal with that Ruby," I spoke coldly.

"Weiss, they're happy together. Don't go breaking up a relationship just to get what you want." I placed my scroll in front of her. "What are you doing?"

"Read them. There's nothing too personal." Ruby took my scroll in her hand and started reading the messages between Lavender and I. They go back for months. It wasn't until recently she told me about how she felt. She was getting tired with Neptune's behavior and she knows that she can't change him for who he is. She wanted to call it off with him but she was scared. Apparently Neptune can drink a little too much at big get togethers and parties. So there's a different side to him like we all do. Ruby's expression said it all. "Yeah."

"She still hasn't said anything to Neptune yet?" I shook my head solemnly, staring at my now cold coffee as I swirled the straw around again. "This isn't going to end well you know."

"I know it isn't Ruby. Can't you see why I'm having a hard time right now? I want her to be happy but I don't want to tell Neptune for her."

"Reminds me of someone back in the day," Ruby smirked, referring to me. I glared at her. This wasn't funny! I sighed and took my scroll back, putting it away again. "Weiss, cheer up. When she's ready, she'll tell him. I don't think she's going to go anywhere anytime soon."

"I know."


"Weiss," Lavender called cheerfully when she saw me walking back home from the coffee shop. I stopped and turned to face her, my heart skipping a beat. She was beautiful. "Hey, you doing okay after you know?"

"I guess. It's just that I don't want to get in between you and Neptune," I said slightly solemn.

"Can we go to your place to talk? I don't want to say what I want to out in the open." I nodded and we walked back to my apartment. It was a silent walk. Neither of us knew what to say to pass the time because we both had one thing on our mind. Each other. Once we got to my apartment, we both sat on the couch. "Weiss, I want to be with you." Did I just hear her correctly?

"But you're with Neptune..."

"He doesn't have to know. I want to see you happy too you know."

"So you want to cheat on Neptune with me," I said slightly wary. She nodded her head. I wasn't one for having people cheat on each other while in a relationship. Lavender I made an exception. Lavender moved closer to me until our lips met. It eventually came to having her lying on top of me while still on the couch, making out. I finally felt complete and I knew that she did too.

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