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{ Blake }

Yang never said a word to me for three whole days. Was she embarrassed or was it the fact that she was reminded of the past? At night, every dust scar she bore glowed, bringing her to tears. I wanted to do something to help her. It was too painful to watch her suffer every single day that she lives. I couldn't take it anymore. I walked up to her and just sat down next to her on her bed. "Yang, you can't keep going like this," I said softly, worried for her well being.

"I don't care," she said. She doesn't care? She should care though! Her scars began to glow again as night fell. Stone even sent another letter and photograph, the same way he did the first night I was here. He literally threatened her. Stone would kill her if she said a word to anyone or if I said anything. I did what I thought was right. I hugged her, trying to make her feel better and that someone still cares. It didn't work though. She was emotionless, almost lifeless even. Just darkness filled her lilac eyes. When I looked into her eyes again, I saw the same pain as I did the day I saved her.

"No, don't do that Yang. What about your sister and your dad? What about your friends?"

"What friends? I practically have none now thanks to that stupid fight. My dad has barely said a single word to me these past five years. Ruby hardly comes to see me or even call like she used to when this all started. There's no one here that would care if I was gone Blake. No one." That wasn't true though. I would care.

"I would," I said softly. She hitched her breath and then looked at me in disbelief. "I would care. If no one else will, I would. Why waste something that shouldn't be taken lightly? You need to have at least one person to care about you Yang. Just...please. Don't do it." My voice began to shake as it hurt me to hear those words of sadness and loneliness spilling out of her mouth. I still looked up to her even after what happened that day. I have no one else to look up to but her. It was because of her that I kept pushing through all the pain and anger that I endured as I grew up. She gave me the hope I needed to live another day.

"B-Blake, why do you care s-so much about me," she asked as her eyes began to fill with tears.

"Because I've looked up to you ever since you started fighting. Because of you, I managed to pull through the hardest of days. You gave me hope as I lived in a corrupt home," I said softly. The first tear of many had escaped her eyes. It was like she didn't know what to say or how to react. Maybe I could do the same for her. "L-Let me help you, Yang. I want to help you." She wrapped her arms around me in a hug as she cried softly. It broke me down to the core to see her like this. It shattered my heart even. The girl I fell in love with is sitting here, hugging me as she cries.

"I thought I was alone. I felt like no one wanted me here. But you, you can still see past all of this," she said to me. I hugged her in return, my heart warming up inside from hearing her say that. What she said next surprised me honestly. "Do you mind staying with me tonight?" I smiled and nodded. I took the inside of the bed against the wall while she took the outside. Then we fell asleep, having her close to me as she sought comfort.

However, during the night, I heard something. I opened my eyes to find Yang not there. I got out of bed in search of her. What I saw scared me like you wouldn't believe. She was lying on the floor of the kitchen, bleeding and unconscious. What did she do?! I grabbed a cloth and applied pressure to her upper arm. She had cut through the artery. I thought I was getting through to her. "Yang, please wake up. Please," I cried softly. She didn't though. I panicked, thinking that she was gone. I checked to see if there was a pulse and there still was but faint. I ran to the bathroom and grabbed any medical supplies I could find so I could try to stop the bleeding. Then I did my best to stop the bleeding and stitch the wound. Luckily, I was able to stop the bleeding just in time. I wrapped the wound in gauze and medical tape for precaution. "Don't die on me Yang." I carefully carried her back to her bed and laid her down gently. Tears were clouding my vision. As carefully as possible, I climbed into bed with her, keeping her safe and hoping that she'll make it through the night.

When morning came, I was woken up by a deep breath from a sleeping Yang. A wave of relief crashed over me. Then I carefully snuggled against her, falling back asleep. Eventually though, I was woken up again. "Blake, what are you doing," Yang asked me weakly. I opened my eyes and realized that I had my head resting on her chest. I panicked and immediately backed away. This was so embarrassing.

"I-I..." My face burned as I began to blush in embarrassment. Then my bow went flat against my skull. Great, now she's going to ask me about that. "I'm sorry." I was starting to get off of the bed and then head for the door when she grabbed my hand.

"Don't go. Please," she said softly, almost sounding like she was going to cry. So I crawled back but still keeping my distance. "Blake, I'm sorry." She started to cry again.

"Yang, it wasn't your fault. It was Stone's and everyone else's for making you feel this way," I squeaked. I had my own tears falling. My heart was in pain as I had to watch her cry and suffer. It was like my heart was being ripped in half. "Y-Yang, there's more to what I said yesterday." I wiped my eyes and looked at her. She looked at me confused. I don't even know if I could even tell her. So instead, I kissed her softly. Her lips felt so soft against mine. Although, I pulled away as quickly as I could.

"Nuh-uh, you get back here," she said. Did I just hear her right? I didn't hesitate though. I leaned over her and met her lips again. However, she pulled me down and closer to her body. I was worried that I would hurt her but it appeared that she didn't particularly care. She was gentle with me. I should be the one to be gentle with her, not the other way around. Our lips moved in unison, having me melt and fall in love with her more. Could that even be possible? Right now I didn't care. What I do care about is Yang.

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