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{ Blake }

I just killed him. I killed Stone. I went numb. Then I drew my attention to Yang. Stone's sword was piercing her body. I panicked. I carefully pulled the sword out and applied pressure to the wound. "You're going to be okay Yang. Just stay with me," I said through my tears. She was bleeding bad, worse than when she severed her artery. Then an idea came to mind but she wasn't going to like. I grabbed the dust pocket knife and just picked one a random. "This is going to hurt a bit, okay?" She nodded. Dust scars immediately stop bleeding just seconds after the incision. Yang cried as I started to close the wound. It was working. It was actually working. "I'm almost done. It's almost over Yang." She just nodded and did her best not to move. With one final cut, the wound was closed but it was going to leave a scar.

"Is...it...over," she asked weakly.

"Yes it's over," I said as I grabbed a blanket to wrap her in. Once I did that, I grabbed her scroll and called Ruby. I know that she doesn't like me, maybe even hate me, but right now Yang needs her help.

"Yang? Where are you," Ruby spoke frantically.

"Ruby, it's Blake. Yang needs help now," I said as I tried not to cry again.

"What do you mean?!"

"Stone found us and tried...tried to kill her. I was able to close the wound for now but she needs medical treatment if she's going to pull through." I started crying over the phone.

"Okay. Where are you guys?"

"Tell your dad the old cabin. He'll know where to go from there."

"Just make sure that she doesn't die on us Blake. I don't need to lose my sister too."

"Don't worry about that Ruby. I'm not going to let her die." I ended the call and I held her in my arms. "Please don't leave me Yang. Please don't die."

"I...don't...plan...on...it," she mumbled. Her hand reached up and came to the side of my face. The feeling of her hand against my skin comforted me a bit but not enough. Yang wore her warm smile as her eyes were half closed. I was starting to think that she wasn't going to make it if Ruby and her dad don't show up soon. I decided to quickly grab some clothes for her to wear so she isn't just in a blanket. "Blake?"

"Yeah," I said shakily while stroking her cheek. Seeing her like this was torture, worse than how she was before this all happened.

"Aren't you cold," she asked, finally sounding a bit stronger. I shook my head. "Is it okay if I close my eyes for a bit? I feel weak and exhausted."

"Yes you can but don't leave me okay," I said to her through new tears. She nodded her head and then leaned against my chest, closing her eyes. I stroked her hair as she slept. Then I heard a car pull up and Ruby appeared in the front doorway. "She's asleep." Ruby sighed with some relief. Her dad came in and picked Yang up, bringing her to the car. I quickly grabbed the bags we brought and ran into the car. As I did, I saw a boy mounting Bumblebee, a Faunus I might add. He looked at me, instantly wore a smile and winked at me. Seriously?! He's hitting on me?!

Once I closed the door, her dad started the engine. "Hang on," he said. Then he stepped on the gas, speeding. I just held Yang close to me still while Ruby stared at the two of us. We were all scared. We weren't sure if she was going to make it. When we got to the hospital, they took her into an operating room and I just hugged myself tightly. "So you must be the girl Ruby told me about?" I looked up, confused slightly.

"Y-Yeah. Is there a problem with the fact I'm in love with Yang?"

"I wasn't happy to hear about it over the phone from Ruby earlier today. Now that I've seen you and how you protected my daughter, I know that Yang is in good hands."

"I would do anything for her."

He smiled at me and gave me a hug. I was stunned at first but then I hugged him in return. "Why don't we go sit down for now? There are some things that you need to know besides Stone." There was more to her story? We walked over to some chairs and sat down. "Stone wasn't the only one who hurt her. There were others as she grew up. That's why she wanted to take up boxing, so she could protect herself. I wanted to have her uncle teach her rather than some stranger. I didn't trust her coach or anyone at that gym. I later found out what was going on on the sidelines. Her coach was hurting her and some of the other kids. She wouldn't admit to it but I knew that she was a victim to their attacks. Stone was no better. You see, he was born into a Faunus family. His mother died only a few days after he was born. His father though was one of the higher up members in the White Fang. I don't have anything against Faunus but I did have a problem with Stone's family. Yang had changed after she started dating him. I didn't see my little girl again. Whatever he did to her broke her to the core. She never really smiled, kept to herself a lot, and I heard her crying in her sleep sometimes before she got her own apartment. It was like she no longer existed after everything that happened, especially after that fight. I had a feeling that maybe Stone had something to do with the final outcome. Yang just fell apart and refused to see anyone practically. Slowly her friends vanished because the people who knew her and were friends or family to her would also get attacked by the people. Those who you see here are the only ones she has left. She used to be so full of life before all of this happened. Not only me, but everyone else wants to see her happy again. I think you're the key to unlock her happiness and old self." That was a lot to take in. I didn't even know what to say. Just when I was about to say something, a doctor came out into the waiting room.

I got up and so did her dad. "She's going to be fine. Whoever closed the wound saved her life. Although, what puzzles me is how the wound was closed," the doctor said.

"Dust," I said.

"Excuse me?"

"Dust. I used a dust coated blade to close the wound. Dust scars stop bleeding only seconds after the incision is made." I hugged myself again and looked to the floor slightly.

"That's an interesting tactic. You saved her life miss. She wouldn't be here now if you didn't act when you had," the doctor said. "I'll take you all to her room so you can be with her." We all followed him. Just as we walked into the room, night fell upon us. Yang's many scars began to glow, revealing the true damage. I tried so hard not to cry. She was trying to hide this from everyone.

"A-Are those all dust scars," Ruby asked as she was nearly about to cry.

"Yes Ruby and that's not all of them," I said solemnly as I walked over to the bed and sat down on the edge.

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