Chapter Thirty Five

Start from the beginning

Speaking of...

"Hey who's this?" Gabe asked suddenly, picking up a small framed picture of Louis and Harry, sitting in a tree.

Louis peeked his head out the door again and his eyes widened. He had forgotten all about that picture and he mentally began to question himself as to why it was out in the first place. The least he could've done is hidden it.

" An old friend, is all," he lied quickly, ducking out of the bathroom and grabbing his coat. "But you're right, my hair is fine..let's go," he added, attempting to change the subject as nonchalantly as possible. 

Gabe raised an eyebrow, but didn't question it. He'd dated enough guys (and girls) to know when someone was lying about their ex. But instead of pressing he just nodded, following Louis out of his small apartment and into the night.


"I think you'll love where I'm taking you tonight," Gabe commented with a smirk as he unlocked the doors to his car.

Louis gasped lightly, taken aback for a second. "This is your car?? Didn't you just have a different one last weekend?"

The vehicle was a very expensive looking foreign sports car, with leather seats and tinted windows and shiny rims that were brighter than Louis' future.

As he nervously made his way in after his date had opened the door for him, it occurred to Louis that this one car could probably pay off his entire college tuition.

Okay, maybe that was a bit of an exaggeration, but still, this was unbelievable. 

Once Gabe got in, he shrugged as if this expensive car was nothing but a toy yoyo to him. "Eh, I figured it was time for a change. Change can be good, you know," he winked, gripping Louis' thigh as his left hand was steering the car into drive.

Louis laughed nervously, feeling himself blush. All this attention, and from an older man with money, too??

Maybe a little change wasn't so bad, after all.


After the date, Gabe insisted on Louis staying the night at his condo, but the younger boy had to decline his offer. They'd been drinking and he was a bit tipsy, and if the movies were anything like real life, Louis knew he'd regret his decision in the morning when he'd be naked and tangled up in the sheets with Gabe, with no recollection of what happened the night before.

"I can't, I've got class at like 7 tomorrow morning," Louis said slowly, stumbling into his apartment building while giggling. He was honestly a lightweight when it came to drinking.

"Okay, well, if you change your mind, give me a call, yeah?" He winked, opening the door to Louis' apartment for him.

"Mhm," he mumbled absentmindedly, plopping down on the small cramped sofa.

"I'll see you later, Louis. Goodnight," Gabe kissed him on the cheek before making his way out of the building.

Louis smiled, slowly sitting up and picking up his laptop to Skype Lauren.

She probably wouldn't answer, but it was worth a try.

"Um, hello..? Oh, Louis, hi!!"

"Hey, Lauren! Is this a bad time?"

"Nope, not really. Just looking over these job applications..I kinda got fired from Wally Waffle.." She admitted shyly.

Louis frowned. She didn't like the job much, but he knew she needed the money. "Oh no, why?"

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