Chapter 26: Slow Labour

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Chapter 26: Slow Labour

Friday November 9th 

Noah and I walked into the hospital, hand in hand. He has the hospital bag over his shoulder as we walked up to the receptionist.

"Hiya my name is Kaela and my Midwife should have rang today saying that I was coming in, I'm in labor." I explained.

"That's fine hun. If you would like to go up to the maternity ward and they will get you all comfortable in your room and then your doctor will be in to see you." She replied.

We thanked her and then we went into the elevator and up to the floor where the maternity ward is. We walked up to the desk and explain the same thing as I did to the brunette receptionist downstairs and she lead us to my room

"Your doctor will be in shortly." She told me.

"Thank you." I replied.

She then smiled and walked out of the room. I sat down on the bed as we waited patiently for Doctor Rogers to come in and make sure everything is going fine with me. I suddenly felt a wash of fear and excitement come over me. How much was this going to hurt? Katie looked in agony. Just as I thought that another contraction hit. I wedged my eyes shut and grabbed onto Noah's hand which was resting on my bed, groaning from the pain. It stopped round about the same time as the rest of them which are between 30 seconds and 45 seconds. The doctor then came into the room.

"Hey Kaela, Noah. Okay Kaela, have you got a nighty with you, or something that doesn't have anything cutting off your underwear region?" Dr Rogers asked.

"Yeah I have a nighty with me."

"Okay can you go and put it on so I can see how far dilated you are, it just makes things easier than taking your trousers and underwear on and off all the time since I'll be checking you hourly. Especially if you need to be rushed to the delivery room, you need to have nothing on your bottom half."

"Yes that's fine I'll go and put it on now."

I grabbed the hospital bag from the bedside table where Noah had put it on. I then walked into the bathroom. It was in the middle of the bag so I took some bits out and got out the nighty before putting everything back in neatly. I put it on and then put my other clothes into the bag. I then grabbed the bag and walked back into the room.

"Okay, let's see how far gone you are. If you just lay on the bed and place your feet on the brackets and spread your legs we can have a look." Dr Rogers said.

I did as he said as he put some sterilised blue rubber gloves on his hands as he went about what he had to do. About 20 seconds later he pulled his hands away from my area and took his gloves off, throwing them in the bin and putting some antibacterial gel on his hands.

"Okay you are only at 2 cm. You have 2 options, you can go home and come back in about 4 hours or you can stay here and save yourself the trouble of travelling. But you will have to be back here in 4 hours or if the contractions get stronger and closer together." He said.

"I think we'll just stay here. We can save gas and my contractions could get stronger. They aren't in a pattern at the minute, they are just all over the place. I have had 4 since 8 o'clock this morning. I had one then, one again at 10:50, then another one at around 12:30, and again 5 minutes ago."

"Okay then. Well I will come back in 2 hours let's say to check you again, but if your contractions get worse or they become a pattern just let me know okay."

"Of course."

"Okay we are going to get you hooked up to the electronic fetal heart monitoring machine, that will be a band over your stomach that keeps track of yours and the babies heartbeat, and it will also keep track off the strength and the duration of the contractions of your uterus."

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