"That's good, it means the baby is growing and it's getter closer to being here. And besides that you look beautiful in any way, shape, or form." He says coming over and kissing the top of my head.

I smile and turn around and give him a hug.

I change clothes and put on one of Peeta's t-shirts. Luckily, they're loose enough you can't tell but I know soon I'm gonna outgrow these too.

"Can you tell?" I'm ask Peeta who is changing his own clothes.

He shakes his head, "No." He says and goes into the bathroom and I go downstairs without him.

My mother is awake and is sitting on the couch when I get down there, Peeta following behind me, she brings her head up.

"Good morning." She smiles kind of cheerfully.

"Good morning." I say going over and sitting down across from her, she gives me a smile.

Peeta comes down about that time.

"Good morning, Peeta." My mom says.

He smiles, "Good morning. Hey, Katniss, I'm gonna start breakfast." Peeta says heading into the kitchen.

"Alright." I say bringing my feet up onto the couch, concealing my upper body with my legs.

"How did you sleep?" She asks me immediately.

"Good. How about you?"


"Our couch is pretty comfortable." I tell her with a laugh.

It's true though.

"It's the best I've slept in years, honestly. Especially knowing we are on better terms."

I nod, "It made it easier to fall asleep."

She smiles sadly, "I love you, Katniss. I know you don't think so, especially not the last however long, but I do care about you and love you. Peeta and Willow too."

I sigh and nod my head, "I know. We love you too."

"Where is Willow?" She asks.

I sigh, "Still sleeping. That little girl could sleep all day long if you let her." I say shaking my head.

My mom chuckles, "That's exactly how you were. Luckily, it got better after you got to be a teenager."

I nod curtly.

The only reason I faded out of that was because I had to make sure to get myself and my sister to school on time.

But I don't say what I think out loud.

"I will wake her up when Peeta is finished cooking breakfast, she usually is awake by now on school days but since it's the weekend I'm gonna let her sleep in a little." I tell her.

"Okay, sounds fine. Sorry, I'm just so anxious to see her."

I smile a little.

"I just hope she likes me."

"I'm sure she will. I bet she will be excited that you came. She hasn't stopped talking about it since we started planning her party."

"That's sweet. I hope she is surprised."

"I think she will be." I say truthfully.

I'm still surprised myself that she came and I've known for a few days.

I feel my stomach growling and the baby starts to move so I stand up.

"I'm gonna go to the kitchen because I am starving and want to bug Peeta. Do you want to come with me?" I ask.

Finding the Missing Piece: Book 5Where stories live. Discover now