character q&a: answers

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disclaimer: none of this is meant to be offensive, the characters are just answering questions the way they would in the story. lol

the response to this q&a was so overwhelming. lol i tried to get everyone's question but if i missed yours i'm really sorry. there were so many to look through & i typed them all out by hand. thank you all so much for participating. it means so much.

solo questions


q: Has Chris cheated before?
a: I want to say no, that he has never cheated on me before this... but I now I feel like I don't know that.

q: Is Justin going to be your rebound?
a: Justin is just my friend.

q: How you doing baby girl? Want me to come up with the choppa? CAUSE I GOT YOU.
a: I'm doing alright, babe. *laughs* Thank you, but I'm okay.

q: When you gone let my mans Justin get the kitty?
a: Um.. *blushes* I'm not planning on ever doing that.

q: Why don't you tell Justin you have feelings for him?
a: Why would I tell him that?

q: Do you feel like you and Justin are better off as close best friends or a couple? Be honest Ivy...
a: I've never even thought about us as a couple honestly.

q: Honestly, which one from your pov looks better, Chris or Justin?
a: Physically? They're both very attractive to me, but they're two different types of attractive, you know?

q: You better get Justin!
a: Why do you guys want us together so bad?

q: Why won't you just suck Justin's d*ck already?
a: *blushes & moves around in her seat* Um, we're just friends. That'd be... interesting... but, um, probably weird.

q: Why are you so awesome?
a: Aw, thank you! Why are you such a sweetie?

q: So, are you and Justin going to get at it or nah?
a: Um... nah?

q: Do you have feelings for Justin? Just a question.
a: Justin is.. amazing. He's really cool and he makes me happy... but I haven't really thought of him as more than a friend.

q: So, are you completely over Chris?
a: No. Of course not... Not even close.

q: Why didn't you stab Chris and Jade? Justin would've posted bail.
a: *laughs* I'd never do that. I have too much to lose. They aren't worth it.

q: Can I call you Ivy? Like, am I on that level?
a: Um, only one person is currently on that level.

q: You don't need someone that's going to cheat on you. you deserve better.
a: Thank you, I know. I just wish that knowing that also made these feelings go away.


q: Chris, why are you such a b*tch?
a: I don't know. Why are you such a b*tch?

q: Fck nigga.
a: F*ck you.

q: But what's good, fam? *daps you up*
a: *nods head*

q: Are you going to try and get Ivy back?
a: Of course I am. That's my baby.

q: Why you cheat?
a: *sighs* Sometimes I just don't think man.

q: GTFOH YOU IRRELEVANT NOW. But, anyways, why did you feel the need to cheat on Ivy? She's great, you know?
a: I'm never irrelevant, baby. And I know she is. I'm gonna get her back. Don't worry.

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