nine | cell phones

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A constant thumping sound and a loud hum interrupted my sleep. I opened my eyes only to close them again and rub them so I could wake up a bit more and see a little better. I sat up and rested my weight on one of my forearms as I reached onto my nightstand for what I knew was causing the sound. When I picked up my phone Chris' name was on the screen but it disappeared. It reappeared once he called again and my thumb hovered over the screen, wondering if I should answer. I ended up letting it go to voicemail and he texted me right after. I didn't hesitate to open it and see what he had to say after so many days of not contacting me.

babyboy♡: but nothing's going on right? okay.

Attached to the message was a picture of me and Justin walking on that beach last night. It must've been when we first got there because it was only the two of us and we hadn't made it to the bonfire yet. We were walking side by side and our outfits basically matched so it did look a little suspect. I wasn't even confused about where the picture came from or how he got it. I've become used to paparazzi being in places even when you don't see them. When you know famous people, you almost become famous yourself. You have to become accustomed to the life of having people follow and watch you all the time even when you don't realize it.

me: no. nothing is going on.

I locked my phone when I was done replying and got up to take a quick shower. When I was done, I got dressed in the sweats Justin let me borrow and a t-shirt. I wasn't planning on going anywhere special so there was no need to get dressed in something cute. I unwrapped my hair and brushed it down to let it breathe a bit before I went downstairs.

I went to the kitchen to make myself something to eat. I looked in the refrigerator, making a mental note that it was really time to go grocery shopping. I looked in the freezer and found a lonely chicken breast. I decided to make a chicken salad with the leftover spinach in the refrigerator so I took everything out that I needed.

It didn't take long for the chicken to defrost in the microwave so after it did I rinsed it off and seasoned it before throwing it in a pan. When it was done I chopped it up and threw it in a bowl with my spinach and drizzled some salad dressing on it before I cleaned everything up and went to sit in the living room to watch some tv.

Soon as I sat down, the doorbell rang. I didn't even have time to grab the remote. I got up and walked to the front door, the bell ringing once more before I got there. I looked through the peephole and saw Justin standing on the other side of the door, looking down. I unlocked the door and opened it, his face immediately formed a smile.

"Hey. Sorry to come over unannounced. I called, but you didn't answer." he told me.

"It's okay. I just left my phone upstairs. Come in." I moved out of the way so he could step in and closed and locked the door after he did. I turned around and was surprised when his arms wrapped around my waist. I hesitantly put mine around his neck to return the hug. He squeezed me tight, for a little longer than I expected. Being in his arms felt.. good. It was a feeling that I didn't even realize I missed so much so I didn't mind him holding on for a little while longer. When he released me I felt a void, but of course I couldn't ask for another hug. That'd be weird and I'm sure he'd ask why and I wouldn't want to explain it. As he spoke I found myself sort of wrapping my arms around my waist just to get that feeling again, but it wasn't quite the same.

"So, what were you up to?" he asked me.

"I-um.. I was about to eat and watch tv." I told him.

"I'm not interrupting anything, am I? I just wanted to hang out again."

"No, you weren't. I'm sure we could watch tv together." I smiled at him and he smiled back before leaning down to take off his shoes, which I appreciated. Most people don't do that. "I'm just going to get my phone, I'll meet you in the living room." I said, sprinting up the stairs after I did. I got my phone off the nightstand and disconnected the charger before running back downstairs. I sat on the couch next to the spot Justin chose and unlocked my phone, seeing that I had a couple of texts from both Chris and Hailey.

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