twenty | get-aways

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"You know what bothers me?

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"You know what bothers me?... That there's people out here willingly putting themselves in danger like this." Justin said. We were sitting on the couch in his place. I needed a.. change of scenery. Even the walls in my house reminded me of Chris, all the time we spent together, all the good times we had.. and how it's all been blown to pieces in just one day. If I stayed there I knew I would go crazy, so Justin suggested that we spend some time at his house. So far we've just watched shows about animals and wildlife. He's really into this kinda stuff, I'm realizing. He hasn't reached for the remote once since he turned to it.

"I don't know.. maybe they like it." I replied.

"I'm sure they do, but... it's just crazy to me that people both allow this and actually do it. It's stupid."

"Well, if they didn't, you wouldn't have all of these shows to watch." I told him. His thumb rubbed over one of my bare legs that was sitting in his lap as he shook his head.

"It's still dumb." he said, making me laugh. I picked up my phone out of my lap and unlocked it. A strong urge to scroll through Instagram had suddenly come over me. I scrolled down my feed, double-tapping the things that I like and passing what I didn't, until one post in particular caught my eye. Of course it was from none other than Christopher Maurice Brown himself.

"You can give someone the world and they will still betray you. My eyes are open now. #IMSINGLE"

I read his caption in almost disbelief that it actually existed. After everything that's happened I can't believe he still manages to surprise me by how inconsiderate and selfish he could be. He continues to show me that he doesn't care about me, our relationship, or the hurt he's placed into my life with his own two hands. It wasn't enough to simply embarrass me in private, now he has to do it publicly and have every blog and gossip show thinking that I was the one who ruined our relationship and cheated on him. A single tear fell from my face and onto my phone screen. I was so sick of crying and being hurt by him. I just wish I didn't care anymore.

"Hey.. what's wrong, Ivy?" Justin placed a finger under my chin and lifted my face up until I looked at him. He wiped the stray tears from my face gently with his soft hands as he looked into my eyes as if he was trying to see inside of my brain and find out what was bothering me for himself. It seemed to work because his eyes fell on my phone and he reached for it, looking over the picture and caption that Chris just posted.

"This pisses me off, man. He knows what it's going to be like for you walking around LA after he posts something like this." he said.

"He doesn't care."

"No, he does, and that's the messed up part. He's acting out because you wouldn't take him back and because you told him you kissed me. It's dumb." He locked my phone and put it on the other side of him, probably to prevent me from looking at more things or making a post in response or something. "Let's just... get out of here."

"Get out of here? You just commented on how bad it's gonna be for me walking around the city."

"That's why we're going to get out of the city. Just you and me." he told me.

"Get out of the city and go where?" I asked him.

"Somewhere quiet... and secluded.. like a campsite or a cabin something." I thought about what he was saying. It would be nice to get away from all of this drama, to shut off our phones and clear our minds and just be... with no worries. The thought of it sounded more than nice, honestly. It sounded great.

On the other hand, we would be alone with no cell phones and probably nothing else to occupy our time but each other. I didn't know how I liked the idea of that. We've spent a lot of time together but in none of those situations did we only have each other to entertain our brains. I just wasn't sure what would happen if we were in that situation all of a sudden. The thought of something crazy happening before we're ready for it freaked me out a bit.

"Come on, Ivy. It's either we go there or we stay in the house for the rest of your vacation." he said. That statement alone was enough to convince me, but my concerns still remained.

We split up for a while to pack only what we needed and nothing more. I packed enough clothes to last until the end of my vacation, not knowing when we'd actually come back. I decided to only take comfortable clothing and one pair of sneakers. We'd basically be camping, after-all. There's no reason to dress-up or try to look cute. While we packed, Justin sent one of his many assistants to Target with a list of things we'd needed to have a fun and relaxing little vacation away from society. He came over to my house when he was done packing and, luckily, I was finished not too long after he arrived. After loading his Range Rover with all of our stuff and letting his manager know that he's fine and he just wanted to get away for a few days so he wouldn't send the troops out looking for him, we left. We left everything behind; the city, our houses, and all hopefully all of my worries. I was really hoping that this would be a great trip because I really needed a distraction from my life right now.


guess who's back & betta den eva? 😊😏

i know this was super short but leave suggestions for what you want to see happen in the story & predictions for what you think will happen. :)

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