thirteen | elevators

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After I told Chris I had the week off he had his assistant book the next available flight for me, which is tonight. I was really excited, but I also felt a little nervous for obvious reasons. Hopefully the trip runs smoothly and this can be a cute little vacation with no drama, just me, my man, and the amazing shows he puts on that I couldn't wait to see. I've seen some videos here and there on twitter and instagram but the LA show isn't until the end of the tour soi have yet to see it in person. I'm looking forward to seeing it in person.

Justin was the first person I told that I'd be leaving tonight and he insisted that I spent my last day in LA with him and Hailey. It started early this morning with him waking me up to go to breakfast. I didn't mind the free meal but I would've preferred to stay in bed a little longer, especially since our day didn't stop there. He had no intention on taking me back home today and I should've known that when he offered to take me to the airport and put my suitcase in his trunk before we left.

"So, where are we headed now, Ivy?" Justin asked me. We were in his car and he was looking in between our seats so he could see what he was backing into. I couldn't help but to notice how defined his jawline is while I had the chance.

"I don't know, you tell me. Youre the one who dragged me out of the house at ungoldy hours." He chuckled at my reponse and the smile lingered on his face as he drove out of the parking lot and merged with ongoing traffic.

"You act like it's so bad to be out with me at this time. There's no one you'd rather spend your morning with." he said, winking at me afterwards. "I actually have to pick up a few things from The Grove, so, we could go there." he said, glancing at me for approval.

"Okay." I told him. He drove to The Grove and we waited in the car for his security to arrive. He called them on the way here because he didn't want to get caught up in a big crowd with no one there to lead him out or protect him. As soon as they pulled into the parking lot and parked beside us, we got out and headed to the mall.

The sun was shining down on us as we walked along all of the stores. I had to put a hand up to create a shadow over my eyes just to see where I was walking. From what I could see, the mall was pretty empty. It didn't seem like anyone noticed Justin, but I knew that would change as time went on. We walked in silence until we reached Topshop and Justin turned to go into the store with me following.

"I didn't know you shopped here." I told him, following him around the men's section, stopping to look at whatever caught my eye.

"I get some clothes from here. They have some cool stuff." he told me.

"Oh, yeah. This is definitely you. It looks like it'd stop at your knees, just how you like it." I picked up a long grey vest that looked like a sweatshirt with the sleeves cut off and showed it to him. He looked at it and side-eyed me, snatching it from my hands as I let out a laugh. "I guess I was right then."

"No, you weren't. It doesn't stop at my knees."

"Then mid-thigh? It's a mini dress?" I asked, smirking. He side eyed me but still managed to smile before he looked away.

"Is this your revenge for waking you up so early?"

"Maybe." I replied. He nodded his head and continued to walk around the store, looking at things but never really picking anything up. The only thing he had in his hands was the vest I picked out.

"You should try these." I said, handing him a pair of dark wash jeans with rips at the knees. They were a little skinnier than he normally wears them so I was curious to see how they'd look. He picked his size and we went to the dressing room. I waited outside of the area, texting on my phone until he was dressed. Chris was asking me all of these questions about my flight, questions he already knew the answer to. He said he just wanted to make sure, but he could've asked his assistant if that's the case so I didn't understand why he was constantly texting me.

Neighbor // j.b feat. c.b [bwwm]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن