four | the invite

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illustration by _gabrianna_

I looked through the peephole in my front door and saw the now blonde-haired man that lives next door. I took a step back and unlocked the door before opening it and coming face to face with Justin Bieber himself.

"Hey." I said, not really knowing how else to greet him. It's almost 10pm and my brain is fried. All I wanted was my bed... and a burger.

"Hey, Ivory. I know it's late, but I saw that you just got home and..." he paused and I raised an eyebrow as I looked at him. His hands sort of fiddled with each other at his waistline and he switched his weight from being on his left foot to his right before bringing his left hand up to rub the back of his neck. "I'm throwing a little party and I just wanted to know if you'd come over for a while." he finished.

"Thanks, but it's kind of late... I should be getting to bed. I have to work in the morning, so..." I told him. I needed, and wanted, all the sleep I could get before tomorrow. It wouldn't be smart to party right now.

"Hm..." he said. His left hand found it's way to his chin and it pulled on the few hairs resting there as he looked at the floor. His movement halted once he looked back up at me and spoke. "You just got in from work, correct?" he asked.


"And when you left this morning, it was to go to work.. correct again?" he asked. I just nodded my head, wondering where he was going with this mini questionnaire. "If my math is correct, also, that means you've dedicated almost fifteen hours to work today... I think you deserve a break." he said.

I opened my mouth to disagree but soon closed it. Have I really been working that long? I guess if you take off the time of travel to get to and from work and lunch and the one meeting I went to today it was more like I actually worked for about eleven hours, but he was still right, I dedicated almost a full fifteen hours to my job. I was just about to go straight to sleep so I could wake up in the morning and do it all again, too. Without even doing so much as watching tv.

"I promise it'll be fun." Justin said, flashing his bright smile afterwards. Hearing the word 'fun' was honestly all I needed to make me commit to the decision I was already starting to make in my head.

"Okay. Just let me change-"

"I think you look fine."

"-my shoes." I finished. I flashed him a small smile as a light red tint appeared on his cheeks. I backed up and slipped out of my nude flats. I grabbed the pair of ice white timbs I had sitting next to my door for emergencies like these and slipped them on. I took off the nude oversized blazer that I paired with a simple white crop top and dark blue jeans. The two small changes made my outfit go from dressy to casual in seconds.

"Okay, I'm ready." I straightened out my shirt before I looked up at Justin. His eyes shot up to my face once I spoke. He didn't say anything, he just turned to face his house and get ready to lead me in that direction. I almost walked out the door until I remembered that I didn't grab my keys. "Wait! I'll be right back." I immediately ran to my living room and reached inside my purse to grab my keys. I left my phone since I figured I wouldn't need it. It'd be too loud to call Chris or answer if he finally tried to call me anyway.

"Okay, now I'm ready." I said once I made it back to the door. I closed it and followed Justin over to his house. When he opened the door I was immediately met by the sound of loud music and people talking. His house was dark and neon lights of different colors were the only source of light. There were people everywhere. Either they were sitting on the couch talking or on the dance floor, moving their bodies to the beat of Bryson Tiller as they unknowingly spilled their drinks. I felt like I had stepped into a nightclub. I don't know what I expected when he invited me over here, but it definitely wasn't this.

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