40. Oh boy...

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"AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed. 

He jumped up from his sleep and screamed with me. Then he laughed and laid back down. "Eww... You peed in the bed." He mumbled and giggled. 

"I"M HAVING YOUR BABY STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed holding my stomach. That's when he screamed for real. 

"Uhhh, get the bottle, no diapers, no the whole Baby Bag! Wait I know this!"

"Get me to a hospital!" I cried in pain.

At the hospital


"AHHHH!!!" I screamed as I squeezed the life out of Micheal's hand. He screamed with me.

"C'mon one more time Mrs. Jackson, PUSH!"

"AHHHHH!!!" Suddenly, we heard a long cry. I looked down and saw a baby, our baby...

I broke down in tears as I held him, he looks like Michael...

"Michael, what are we gonna name him?"

"Ummm, how about Peter Pan?" He joked.

"Oh boy..."

The baby's here! What's his name? Comment your wonderful baby boy names below! Smooooches!

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