8. You get hurt

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"Be careful Michael!" You say looking at Michael climbing on very high up monkey bars.

"Why don't you join me?" He smiled. He looked like he was having lots of fun.

"Ok I'll try but I was never good at this!" You grabbed the first bar and swung to the second bar successfully. You kept going getting the hang of it. After a while you became a pro.

"Well can you hang upside down huh?" Michael asked, very cocky. You swung around and placed your legs in the bar hanging upside down.

"Ok ok well can you skip one?" He challenged demonstrating by jumping from the first bar all the way to the third. You felt a little uneasy but you weren't gonna give up.

You jumped and barely made it, you tried again and your hand slipped. You screamed as you fell to the ground, hurting your arm.

You instantly grab and hold your arm. "Ow, ow, ow!" You said. It hurt so bad that tears began to fall.

"Baby! Baby, are you ok?" He jumped down and ran to you in concern.

"Yeah..." You didn't want him to worry but then he gave you that look. "No, my arm." you sighed.

"Let me see." he took your arm and applied pressure which made you wince in pain.

"Michael I'm fine." You try to convince him.

"No, c'mon." He picked you up and carried you in the house to the sofa.

He bandages you up and kisses your bruises. he gives you some ice and sits you in his lap.

"Better?" He asked.

"Much better..." for the rest of the day you and Michael stayed inside and watched movies.

From then on, he will never let you get back on the monkey bars..

Michael Jackson Imaginesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن