18. You loose your ring

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"Hey baby!" Michael kissed you as you hid you hand. You lost your ring this morning and you've been hiding it from him.

"What's up baby?" You asked giggling.

"Nothing baby, can you give me a gooooood massage!!!" He sat on the bed and I rubbed his shoulders. He sighed in delight. Then all of a sudden, he pulled your hands down.

"Babe!" You gasped obviously surprised.

"Where's your ring?" He asked. You didn't answer.

"I said where is your ring?" He asked again.

"I umm, I lost it..." You tear up.

"Awe baby, don't cry." he wipes your falling tears.

"But it means so much-" I cried.

"But not as much as you mean to me..." aweee "Plus I found it in the shower beside the soap in the bathroom!" He giggled an out it on my finger.

"Thanks babe..." you giggled and kissed him. "I thought you were gonna be mad at me."

"Who could ever be mad at you?" He said and kissed your neck.

"No no no! Last time, one of my students saw a hickey!"

"Pshh, he probably had one too."

"Well I had 5, not 1, not 2, nor 3 or 4 but 5!"

"Aye gotta let these boys know you're my fiancée!"

"Fair enough..." you giggle.

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