15. Your little fight

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"Michael how dare you?!?!"

"What are you talking about?" He asked confused.

"Why did this girl text me and tell me you've been with her for the past month we've been dating? She said whenever you claim you're at the studio, you're in her bed!!!"

"Baby that's not true, I've always been faithful, I swear!" He seemed a little disappointed that you'd think he'd cheat.

"Michael, I love you, I just-"

"Baby believe me, you've gotta trust me. I'd never ever cheat, I'm loyal and entitled to you."

"I believe you Michael, I trust you."

A bodyguard walked up. "Excuse me Mr. Jackson, we have discovered a fan who hacked into you and Y/N's phone systems. I do apologize and we're changing your numbers now." The bodyguard walked away.

"See Y/N, I'll always be good to you..."

"I see Michael, and I'll do the same..." He picked you up and gave you smooches all over your face.

"C'mon, I'll get you some grapes."

"Yes, you know me so well!" He walked you to the kitchen and got some grapes out of his fridge.

You both enjoyed some grapes as you began to sing the duck song.

"Hey, whomp whomp whomp, got any grapes?" Michael giggled and kissed you taking the grape you just put in your mouth, with his tongue and crushed it.


"Got any grapes?" Michael laughed and you pouted. "Awe here." He stuck out his tongue and you see the crushed grape.

"Never mind." you made a grossed out face.

"You know you want it." he said and got closer. Soon you were being chased around the island in the huge kitchen.

|Later: Bed time|

"I'm glad I have you Michael..."

"I feel the exact same about you Y/N." He kissed you for a long long time. The kiss got deep and he climbed onto you and when you pulled away he looked you in the eye.

"Do you love me?"

"Of course I do babe!" You answered honestly.

"Then marry me..."

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