3. You have a picnic with him

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Michael's house: 2 weeks later~

"Hey Y/N!" Michael came and gave you a big hug.

"Hi Michael." you smile.

"What do you wanna do today?"

"I don't know, what do you wanna do?"

"Hummmmm.. Lets go to the park!"

"Michael, maybe you don't know this but, you're Michael Jackson."

"Oh yeah.. I forget sometimes." You giggle at his cuteness.

"So you still wanna go to the park? Maybe you can take security."

"Nah, I gotta better idea." He puts out his hand and you grab as he leads you to his backyard.

"Wow, Michael it's beautiful!" There's a nice little picnic, all set up and everything.

You hug him tight and he hugs you back picking you up and carrying you to the beautiful site. You sit down and began to eat, Michael takes a grape (favorite fruit btw) and feeds you. You giggle as he keeps feeding you.

You look at his finger, seeing all the juices from the grapes. You couldn't help but grab his hand and suck his fingers one by one.

Michael looked at you and smirked send a shiver down your back. You turn away and blush.

You start to eat to take your mind off of what just happened. You glance at him out the corner of your eye, he's smirking.

'Why is he smirking?' You thought.

Then soon enough, you found out. He started licking the juices of the watermelon off of you fingertips.

"That tickles!" You giggled as he looked you in the eye, also giggling.

"Oh that tickles? What about this?!" He lays you down and began to tickle you. You squirm trying to get away but he pinned you down with one hand hold your hands above you head and one hand tickling you.

You laughed uncontrollably. Then he found your most ticklish spot, your stomach...

"Michael! Stop! I can't take it!" You laughed like a maniac.

"What's the magic word?" He sang.

"Pleeeeaaassseee!!!!!" You yelled with a few tears falling because you were laughing so hard.

"Ok." he simply said and got off of you. You crossed your arms, faking pouting and acting like you were mad. He noticed quickly.

"Awe, I'm sorry baby." he said in a baby voice.

"No your not."

"Yes I am."

"Show me..." he grabbed your face gently and gave you a sweet kiss. That was you guy's first kiss.

"I love you Y/N..."

"I love you too Michael..."

Then Michael held you as you both watch the sunset.

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