37. Jedell

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"Why are you just now getting home? Johnny has been crying for you all night!" I yelled as Michael walked through the door. He left last night and came back at 6:00 in the morning. This happens two times before and I'm fed up with it.

"I was doing something he said looking at me like he didn't see nothing wrong with this.

"What the hell Michael? Who leaves at 10:00 at night and comes back at 6:00 in the morning? I would've been ok with 2:00, hell maybe even 3:00 but 6:00 Michael? This is the third time this week!"

"Like I said, I was doing something." He said plain faced as he picked up the remote and flipped through channels.

"You know what I'm not even gonna argue." I shook my head and packed me and our son's bags.

"Where you going?" I didn't answer him. I was so fed up that I just left with Johnny not letting him know anything.

|2 weeks later|

I had to go back to our house for more clothes and things. I knocked on the door and Michael opened it in his pajamas and with puffy eyes. He smiled.


"Sorry to burst your bubble but I just came for clothes." I said. I truly missed him but I can't let him know.

"Honey just let me explain..."

"Explain what Michael, you were gone half the night, I thought you were hurt or kidnapped or anything!"

"I had meetings and my manager said they were mandatory I couldn't tell anyone because that's against my contract. The only reason I'm telling you is because you are my other half. When you left I missed all the important meetings. The reason I was so plain was because they pissed me off telling me how to run my career. I'm just so sorry." I looked into his pleading eyes and I knew he was telling the truth.

"I forgive you baby, I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions without checking first." I said and he took me in his arms.

"I love you no matter what, ok." He said smiling and kissing all over my face.

"I love you to baby..." I smile as he held me.


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