Chapter 20

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"Hey Saf you still have me, you could stay here, we could be like sisters." She gave Saf a huge goofy grin. The memory quickly faded leaving KF standing in the entrance of the cave.

"What on Earth was that?!" KF shouted to no one in particular.

"That was the making of a sister hood." A voice replied from behind KF. No one was with him so who was it, it didn't sound female, so he could cross off the the Emotions. As he turned around he saw a shadowy black figure leaning against the cave entrance.

"Wh-who are you?" KF stammered, which was unlike him. The figure vanish in smoke then reappeared behind him.

"You wish for my name, yet I do not have one," the shadow like man started circling the speedster cascading him in black like smoke, "or do you wish to know my identity, you could say I'm a memory, yet I'm not. A fear, but something more. She remembers me, but she does not know me."

"Stop speaking in riddles!"

"Oh but you're the one who asked me the question, I just giving you and answer." The figure stopped, Kid's body was trapped in the black smoke, it went up to his chest as the shadow like man loomed over him. "I remember when she was young, she would stare at me from the comfort of her bed, clutching on to her teddy bear. She was so scared, it was beautiful."

"Your a fear, from that room?"

"You could say that. I'm her biggest fear, she saw me ever night. Your friend let me out you know, that girl in green." KF's eyes widened, when she flashed the touch through the bars. "And now that I'm free this mind will never be the same, ha ha ha!" With that the shadows released him and the figure disappeared into the cave.

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