Turning tables

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A month later


"I can't hold this gun!" I said trying to aim the gun.
"Just shut up and watch!" E said to me. Me, E, Erin, Pac, Cube, Dana, Yella, and Dre had went to the gun range today, so we can get some practice in on using gus. He said it was my birthday gift from him to me. Yes, today is ya girls 17th birthday! E and Cube shot 4 rounds while I was in the middle of my thoughts.
"My ears hurt!" I said covering my ears.
"Why are they so loud?!" Erin said next to me.
"Y'all a bunch of sissies dude!" Dana said like it was natural to hear gun shoots.
"Sissies!!!" Cube yelled.
"No I'm not!" I said. I stood there for a second and then all of a sudden I felt sick to my stomach." I'm about to go to the bathroom right quick!" I said.
"Alright baby!" He said and went back to shooting. I got half way to the bathroom and then I felt the need to throw up. So I started running! I made it just in time to the bathroom. I started breathing heavy and then it happened again.
"You okay?" I heard Erin say.
"Yeah! I'm fine!" I got up and flushed the toilet. I went out and washed my hands and Erin was right behind me.
"You and E having sex now!" She said grabbing some paper towels for me.
"No!" I said putting my head down.
"Well why are you throwing up?!" She asked handing me the paper towel.
"Probably that bad chili daddy cooked earlier!" I said turning around to see Erin right in my face.
"That's a lie!" She said.
"How?" I asked and folded my arms.
"Cause you love your daddy's chili! Your obsessed with it!" She said.
"And I know that's why I got sick!" I said walking passed her.
"Yeah! It's whatever!" She said walking out with me.

*later that night*


I was over Pacs house for the night but my mom through I was at Erica's house. I had to admit it was fun sneaking out the house.
"You ever thought about sex?" I asked Pac from across the living room.
"Sex??!" He said stopping at the door and I got up and walked over to him.
"Yes, sex!" I kissed him.
"I mean, when your ready and honestly I don't think your ready for that!" He said grabbing my shoulders.
"Yes I am!" I started pushing him towards his bedroom.
"How you know?" He asked with a hesitant voice.
"Cause I do!" I said pushing him to the bed.
"Look baby! You not ready for that! Let the hoes be hoes if they want but you ain't no hoes and I ain't bout to turn you into a hoes so no baby, you ain't ready!" He said getting up.
"How do you know If I'm ready or not for sex!" I yelled at him.
"Cause you not! You still young and you ain't gonna be able to handle nothing that comes with sex!" He said to me.
"Like what, a baby?" I said.
"Yes exactly!" He said and walked out. I got up out the bed and went back in the front room! I sat on the couch and folded my arms.
"So you mad now!" He said from the kitchen. I didn't say anything at all cause deep down I was mad at him and I wanted to go home now. "So you gonna ignore me for the rest of the night!" He said trying to hand me some popcorn but I turned the other way. "Well! I'll just eat it by myself!" He said turning the movie on! We were watching the wiz!
"No I'm not mad at you!" I said turning around.
"Mhmm!" He said and wrapped me up into his arms.
"I love you!" I said
"You don't even know the half of how much I love you! I don't wanna be the reason you flip cause I know what you going through right now but as usual, you hide it from the world and pretend like it never happened." He said. I got out of his arms and turned around.
"What would you rather me do? Cry all day over it!" I yelled at him. I got up and ran to his bed room and locked the door. I started crying hard.
"I'm sorry Erin, I didn't mean that!" He said at the door.
"Yes you fucking did!" I yelled at him dropping to the ground by the door and crying. I heard his back hit the door so that means he sat down too!
"I'm not gonna leave this door til you come out!" He said.


I've been so sick these past few days. I've been throwing up all over the place but made a effort to hide it from E, Cube and daddy. I'm having Cube take me to the clinic right now because it's free. I got out the car.
"I'll call you when I'm out Cube." I said.
"Alright!" He said and drove off.i walked in and there were a bunch of babies everywhere. There were so many of them that I thought I was supposed to pick one up and take it. I walked up and signed my name on the chart and went to set down.
"So what are you here for?" This random lady said to me.
"Ummm, just a check up!" I said.
"Honey! This is a clinic not a check up shop!" She said.
"Why don't you stay out of m(GCO)" I was saying before I the nurse called my name.
"Erica Marie Peirson." She said.i got up and walked with her through the back doors.
"When was your last menstrual cycle?" She asked.
"I don't exactly remember!" I said a little confused. She rolled her eyes and then grabbed a cup behind her and gave it to me.
"Go fill that cup and bring it back!" She said. I got up and went to the bathroom. When I came out I handed it to the lady on my right and walked back into the room. I slumped back into my chair and just through. I'm a matter of minutes the nurse came back in.
"Got news for you." She said.
"Good or bad?" I asked sitting up.
"Both!" She said.
"Okay give me the good first." I asked.
"You don't have any Std's." She said.
"Okay and now the bad!" I asked.
"Your 3 1/2 weeks pregnant." She said.
"Wait! What??!!" I said!
"Your pregnant!" She said.
"I can't have no baby right now!" I said getting up and putting my hands on my head.
"There are other alternatives to this like abortion or adoption!" She said.
"Can I walk outside right quick?" I said.
"Yes." She said. I then got up and walked outside. I didn't know what to do but I couldn't take care of anybody else, I'm barely taking care of myself. I then saw a vision of a baby and me. If I was gonna have a baby I wanted to be at the right time. Dre already has a daughter and a baby momma he stays with and what about my daddy, he would kill Dre and what about E, I couldn't break his heart this way. I walked back inside the building. I went into the room where the lady was. "Is it painless?" I asked.

Authors notes:
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Please and thank you! 😍😍

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