All the signs are there

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Natalie's Pov

I know it's none of my business, but there is definitely something wrong with Jacob. These last few weeks he's been acting really reckless. I don't know if it's because Aaliyah has a new man or what. I'm the one spending all the time with Prince. It's crazy it seems like there too busy for their own son. 😒

I hate to admit it but Jacob is on drugs. I know because Lorenzo used to come home high as a kite. I just didn't want to admit it. I want to tell the others. I don't want to be the bad guy. Everyone still thinks I'm the needy one. Maybe ill tell Craig so he can talk to Jacob, before it's too late.

One night me and Craig were in bed. I decided to bring it up. "Isn't Jacob acting strange lately?"

"What do you mean?" Asks Craig

"I don't know he's coming home late. His nose is always running he never takes care of Prince anymore. He has these weird mood swings out of nowhere."

"I know what your gonna say. I've been thinking it for some time. I never imagined him being like this. I didn't want to get involved. He's a big boy and can take care of himself. If he gets worse ill talk to him, tonight can we focus on us? It seems like you don't have any time for me. You're always taking care of Hazel and Prince." Says Craig

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to neglect you. I'm so stressed out you have no idea. I'm trying to be the good friend. Just know that I love you. I promise to make more time for you." I lay my head on Craig's chest.

"You better I'm your man and I need you too."says Craig stroking my hair.

We were just getting comfortable when someone starting banging on our door.

"I know your in there." Screams Jacob banging on the door.

"Go away Jacob."

"Please I need you to watch Prince." Says Jacob

"No I can't this time. Me and Craig are trying to have some alone time. I'm not that child's mother. What do I look like your personal nanny. Damn Jacob I need a break." 😩

"Don't be a selfish bitch." Says Jacob

At that point I just ignored him. I'm not in the mood for one of his latest episodes. I don't understand why they had that baby if they weren't gonna take care of it. I've had enough of this shit. Tomorrow I'm talking to the others. We're gonna have a family meeting. Jacob needs to go to rehab. If he doesn't he'll end up a crackhead on the street begging for a few dollars. I know who to blame that bitch Sunshine. This my girl won't handle it I will. I want my freedom back.

The next day I got up early. I made Craig breakfast and left him a note saying I had to run errands. After that I'm all his.

I left the house and went straight to her house. I got Mia to give me the directions. I knocked on the door for like 10 minutes. I tried the back door it was open. I went upstairs since no one answered me when I called out is anyone home. I finally found her room. The door was open I wasn't surprised. I walked in on one of her latest drug parties. 😷

There was drugs everywhere. People were snorting and injecting shit into their arms. I wanted to pass out. All the drugs that I saw.

I found Sunshine she was was snorting some white shit up her nose. Her nose looked disgusting I could tell she's been on the stuff for awhile.

"Can we talk?"

"Do I know you?" Asks Sunshine

"I'm a friend of Jacob."

"Oh I know you your his sons baby sitter. He told me about you." Says sunshine

"Yeah something like that. Look I just came to say this has to stop. You can't ruin this boys life like that. Just because you want to go down, doesn't mean you have to bring him down with you."

"Save it I didn't force him to do anything. I offered it and he accepted, not my fault he got addicted. What do you want me to." Says Sunshine

"You know what just forget. It's useless talking to you. Just stay the hell away from my friend. I mean it keep it up and see what happens."

With that being said I turn and leave. This dump is too much to deal with.

When I get in my car I'm in complete shock. I knew Jacob was on drugs but I didn't know it was this bad. I pray that he can be saved. I would hate to see him go down.

"This ain't over bitch," screams Sunshine banging on my window.

"Go clean yourself up coke whore." I don't even wait for her response pull up before she says another word. She had this crazy look in her eyes. I don't even wanna know what that's about. What does Jacob see in her. I need to get him and my girl back together quick. I know she would do the same for me. Wait until I tell her what I saw. Maybe it'll be a wake up call to her. Which reminds me I'm gonna cuss her ass out for sticking me with her son. She's always laid up with her new man. Daniel whatever the heck his name is. 😑👏👏

It seems like she's forgotten about her son. She was so happy when he was first born. Now it's like she is reminded of prince every time she sees him. Maybe that's why she doesn't want anything to deal with him. I remember her saying she might give him up. She wants a better life with her. When she told me that my heart dropped. I would adopt Prince but I already have a little one. 😞

Thankfully Melanie and Deion agreed to adopt him if needed. Aaliyah hasn't given him up yet but she will soon.
More to come 😌

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