Smiling to myself, "You're kidding?"

"Nope. I really did find her. It took a few days but I know where she is"

"Well tell me then"

Chuckling he says "Desperate much?"

"You have no idea" I whisper

"Okay, anyways... She's currently staying in a flat in Chicago"

"Do you know more?" Wondering if she moved on without me. We had plans when we were together for the future even though we were only eighteen.

"Um no. Not really" he looks away from me. He's lying.

"You're lying" I tell him

"Look. If I tell you promise me you'll stay calm" he says hesitantly

"Sure" I shrug my shoulders


I sigh, "Fine!"

"She's uh she's in" he mumbles


"What do you mean she's 'in'?" I ask even though I already I know what he meant

"She's doing deals with Mike"

Fûcking Michael

"Great! It had to be Michael" I spit out. She knows I fûcking hate that block. He always made moves on my girl even when I was right in front of him.

"Chill" Louis backs backs away

"I am chill" my eye twitches

I turn around and punch his wall, "Harry! Man that's gonna cost you"

"I gotta go to her"

"You gotta think this through. She knows you'll be after her. She'll make a move"

"I don't fûcking care! She has it coming. I'll leave tonight with or without you"

He stays silent for a second.

"I'll tag along. You need backup. You never know what'll happen since she's now with Mike. She must have security around her"

"Yeah. You're right, we'll leave tonight"



There she is. My little beauty. I almost let out a gasp from how beautiful she looks. These five years did good to her. She's still the curvy girl I knew just that now she's a bit taller and her hair is longer. God, I missed her. I miss her touch, her lips on mine. I just miss her.

"Woah" I hear Louis whisper

I snap my head towards Louis giving him a glare, "Snap out of it. She's mine"

"Oi, I know lad. It's just that I also haven't seen her for five years. The last time I saw her was at Liam's birthday"

I chucked remembering that day as if it just happened yesterday. Liam got so mad when he came to his bedroom being met with Vivian riding me. My little vixen couldn't wait till we got home and to be honest me neither so yeah we did it in Liam's room and after that he never invited us over.

"I'll never forget that day" I smirk

It took us about an hour and a half to get to Chicago and then another hour to find her flat.
Super tired and all I wanted right now is to be in bed with her cuddled up next to me.

We're currently outside in my black Range Rover watching her get into her car. I'm glad my windows are tinted because I can watch her without worrying she seeing me.

She starts her car and backs away from the parking. Also starting my ignition I start following after her, "Don't get too close" Louis warns me.

Following her for 20 minutes I start wondering where she's headed to, "Where the hell is she going?" Saying my thoughts out loud.

"It looks like she's going... To Starbucks?" Louis says confused after watching Vivian park outside of the parking lot of Starbucks

"She's meeting someone" Louis states

Parking a few spaces away from Vivian's we get out and sit outside in a table near the window where I have a perfect view of Vivian.

"You see her?" Louis ask

"Yeah. She's ordering something" 

After she orders, she waits by siting by a near table, "No way" Louis mumbles

I turn around to look at him looking away from Vivian, "What?"

"The bitch" he nods to the front door. I move my glare to the front entrance to be surprised to see Danielle. Liam's bitch. Vivian and Danielle never were so close.

"What is she doing here?"

"Maybe she's helping Vivian"

"You mean from hiding?"

"Yeah maybe. You know Liam knows everything, he must've told Danielle that you're out or something and now she has come to warn ya girl?" I knew I didn't like her for a reason.

"I need to make my move"

"What!? No. This place is too crowed. You need to get her alone" Louis's always right

"Right" I say dragging my hand through my hair frustrated

"Right" I say dragging my hand through my hair frustrated

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I just want my fûcking girl back. But tonight, she'll be wrapped up in my arms.
Tonight I'm getting her back and that's a promise.

I'll see you soon babe.

First chapter is up. This is my first book so I'm sorry if sucks also I'm sorry if there's any mistakes. But anyways I hope you enjoyed it! <3

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