So much for the first day as a couple

Start from the beginning

"Heady!!" I whined. He gestured for his lips and I understood what he wants. I gave him a slight kiss and he opened his eyes right away.

"Good morning sleepyhead!" I told him

"Good morning love" he whispered.

"I'm gonna take a hot shower first okay?" I told him

"Want me to help?" I threw him a pillow


"But I'm your boyfriend" he groaned

"Exactly. Boyfriend. We're not married" and I quickly went out of his bedroom before he can answer. I took a hot shower and exited the room with my uniform only to find Hermione with a look of pity.

"Are you okay Kath?" At first I was confused then I remembered she still doesn't know about me and Harry

"I'm fine Hermione. Actually..." I said starting to remember last night

"Me and Harry Potter are dating" she started squealing and jumping up and down

"How did it happen?" She asked. I started telling her

"Oh my god that's so cute!" She squealed

"Yeah. Yeah whatever" I said but can't stop grinning

"Anyways we have to go down we might be late"
Hermione reminded me

"Jeezz.... Hermione we still have two hours!"

"I know and it takes us an hour and a half to wait for Ron to stop eating" she said smartly

"Point taken" I shrugged. I went down the stairs and saw only Harry and Ron

"Kath! So it's true?! You slept with Harry on the boys dormitory?!" Ron asked angrily

"Good morning to you too. Anyway last night Harry asked me to be his girlfriend and of course I said yes. Then I cuddled with Harry. Nothing else happened" I finished. Ron started to relax and Harry was looking at him with an 'I told you so' look

"Anyways... Where did you get that from? Me and Harry sleeping together?" I asked

"Seamus" Ron said

"God he's crazy. I mean we're only thirteen why would I do that?" I asked Ron

"I don't -" Ron started but was cut off by Harry

"So I have to wait till fourteen then?" Harry asked grinning

"Watch it potter!" The twins appeared next to him

"We wouldn't want you to have-" but before they could finish, I covered their mouth

"Okay. Okay! We're going to the great hall now!" Hermione said

In the great hall

I sat beside Harry holding his hand

"Hey kath! Is it true? You and potter are dating?"
I looked from behind to see drake and his goons. He can be such an idiot sometimes. I mean he knows Harry is beside me and he can hear the whole thing. I mean, Harry is so protective and such

"Yeah. And why would you care malfoy?" Harry snapped also turning around and slightly stood up

"Oh? A little protective now are we? Enjoy her company while you can before a better guy takes her from you" he sneered. Just then Harry lunged at drake and punched him and punched him and again and again now making a scene until snape pulled him off of drake.

"Oh yeah? And who would be that better guy aye malfoy? You?! Keep dreaming!" Harry snapped at him

"Enough!" Snape silenced the whole room including the teachers

"50 points will be taken from Gryffindor" he said while walking away swiftly. I grabbed Harry and walked him out of the hall to the Gryffindor common room to his dorm.

"Harry, are you okay?" I asked my voice full of concern

"Yeah. I'm fine!" He snapped. He saw the look of pain in my face

"Look, kath I'm sorry okay? It's just that I can't help but doubt" he said looking at the ground

"You can't help but doubt that I would go running around with some other guy" I finished

"No it's not like that. It's just that... That... What if malfoy was right?" Harry asked me his eyes close to tears

"Harry... You will be the only one I'll ever be with okay?" I assured him

"I love you kath"

"I love you too Harry" I said kissing his scar

Other half (Harry potter love story) 1st bookWhere stories live. Discover now