He was a bit surprised but that ended as our lips met for the briefest of seconds before connecting in a limit that made me feel like this man in front of me, this person kissing me senseless right now was the man I should give my heart to.

Being kissed senseless by the only man fate had decided to tie you with was not a good idea especially for a person like me, A person who had declared to be the one of the few who rejected their mates. But I had a plausible reason, right?

Our kiss got more intense and at the same time I felt like I was letting my soul free. His lips left my lips to set a trail a long my jaw to my neck. My legs got weak and if it was not for his hands holding me so close to him I would have hit the ground sometimes earlier.

As his lips moved with a mission of driving me wild, I felt a smile creep up on to my lips.

And for the next minute I forgot all of the other side of me that did not trust this guy and let the other side of me control me.

It was just perfect... with no comparison for me to ever look back to. In this moment I knew there would never be any one out there for me...After what was a moment to never forget he kissed me again endlessly.

Some moments later we finally ended us he pulled back with a slight grin on his perfect features. I knew he would say something but before he did I said. “Don’t ever go telling people I never kissed you.” I hoped it sounded arrogant too.

But holy damnation, this kiss had affected me.

I was sure he had not noticed the car parked in front of the house. Hell, I hadn’t too until I turned around after proclaiming what I had said.

He smiled and shook his head. “You don’t have to worry about that but you do need to improve your kissing technique.”

That statement made me turn to face him again. He was still smiling and I could sense he had just said that for the fun of it and to see my reaction.

I rolled my eyes. “I just rocked your world captain. So much that you’ve forgotten you were about to tell me something...and so much you haven’t realized your brother has arrived.” I smiled and winked at him before leaving him there and going to the car.

Both Nate and Ivan were there in the front seats smiling about something. ‘Hey guys.” I said to both of them us I entered and sat down quickly before the rain drenched me again.

“Hi” they both said.

Nate chuckled and turned to face me with a smile that almost resembled his twin’s. “You have my brother tied like a darn yoyo in your hands and you know it.”

“I have no idea what you are talking about.” I lied.

“I think you do.’ Ivan said turning too. “We both think you do.”

I moved slightly in front. “Listen, you all know that your brother and your friend” I pointed to Nate and Ivan respectively before continuing, “just made a bet with me that he would make me fall in love by the end of a month’s time. So whatever he is doing is just to show me he is a nice guy but what he actually doing is trying to make me fall for him.”

Nate shook his head, that same smile from earlier still glued on his lips. “I know my brother well...and you look like a clever girl...this is bigger than a silly bet you made.”

I leaned back against the car seat, “you have a big imagination Nate, You and your friend Ivan.”

Ivan then asked, “You know why I asked you to go away for the weekend last time?”

I shook my head, “that’s really one of the question I have been asking myself. Why would a guy I have never spoken to just suddenly out of nowhere appear and ask me to leave?”

“Well, that guy was trying to prove that somebody is you’re...” he stopped himself just in time to find another suitable word but I knew what he had almost said, “Trying to prove that Preston is in love with you.”

I rolled my eyes. “Wow, I never thought the day would come when I would be in a car with two guys who are romantic.”

Nate made a disgusted face and quickly said, “Not romantic, just trying to figure out a secret.”

“If he hasn’t told you don’t you think it’s because he doesn’t want you to know.”At the same time as I finished saying that Preston got in the car. His hair was a bit wet and from the bag he had in his hands I realized why he had taken time to come the car. He had gone to take our wet clothes that I had for gotten completely about until now.

“I don’t want them to know what?” He asked looking at all f us.

Simultaneously Nate and I replied. “Nothing” he said while I said. “That there’s something more to this bet than it is.”

He shook his head but did not say anything yet he looked like he was but in a different manner. I looked at Nate and Ivan as they turned back.

Well, if I had any questions earlier...it just looks like I found out my werewolves were telepathic.

My werewolves?

I shook my head and silently went back to looking at Preston. I found him watching me fixedly. “What?” I mouthed as the car accelerated on the road that would lead us to my house.

He brushed his hair back. “You know, something tells me you know what I’m going to tell you.”

I rolled my eyes I tried to think of an answer that wasn’t obvious to my knowledge of what he was going to tell me. “If what you’re planning to tell me is that you are...” his hand touched mine and I lost sense for a minute.

‘I’m still listening...” he said sounding smug.

“If what you are planning to tell me is that you are an arrogant guy who thinks he is going to win this bet, then you are right.”

He squeezed my hand gently as he grinned. “Not what I was going to tell you but I believe deep inside you know exactly what I’m going to tell you.”

We passed the beach house where Preston went in to take my phone and came back inside the car.

After what seemed like forever, we arrived at my house. It was almost four in the morning. If my dad was at home, he was dead to the world.

The rain had lost its earlier untamed nature and it was just drizzling as I got out of the range rover and onto the wet ground. Preston got out of the car as well and pressed a kiss on my cheek lightly but at the same time with such... “Good night Abby.” He entered the car.

“I had a great night.” I said smiling. He smiled back and I said my good nights to Nate and Ivan. And I watched them speed out of the driveway and into the main road.

The house was dark but I managed to go all the way to my room without switching the lights.  Maybe fate had a reason for making the two of us mates right?

I slowly eased out of the clothes I was wearing as I remembered myself initiating tonight’s kiss and reasons why I had done so...

There was that obvious reason that I had wanted to kiss him but at the same time I had not wanted him to tell me what he had planned to tell me. Kissing him had been a perfect distraction...which had worked.

But the real question remained as to why I did not want him to tell me...when I knew it was the only chance for me to reject him without telling him the truth.

well...til next chapter wher e secrets will be known and thing\s get hotter...love you guys..all of you and..

I'm your bloody friggin' mate? You got to be joking...जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें