Over 1000 word chapter|Ch.19

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Vanessa's POV

Oh. My. God. I just broke into Shawn Mendes's house. With my boyfriend. Wow. Life goals. We heard footsteps. So we neared the stairs.

He came out. "We have to jump,he'll see us if we don't." I said. "Ok whatever." Jacob said in a rush. He jumped from the second floor and jumped onto the ground. I jumped. Failed. I hit my rib. It hurt so bad. It hurts when I bend over.

You could feel the broken bone just by touching it. I got up not caring slash knowing that I broke a rib right now. We dashed farther into the house trying not to get caught.

"Ouch." I said quietly. Not knowing that I had broken a rib. Wow I'm stupid.

Hey guys I just broke a rib. Like for real tho. I need some milk. Ok. Stop. Stop thinking dirty. Oh wait yeah back into the story.

Sorry. Is it too late now to say sorry cause I'm-. Ok back to the story.

Jacob and I walked towards the kitchen. Footsteps. Crap. Shawn is coming. We walked to the back door of the kitchen. The door wouldn't open. I twisted the handle on the door again. Nope. Other side. Yup. We dashed out of that house as fast as we could. I bent over to catch my breath.

Ouch. "Ow my-my-my rib." I managed to say gasping. 

"What happened?" Jacob said. "I'm not sure." I said holding my stomach. "We need you to see someone." he said picking me up bridal style.

"Let's go to my house." I said laying in his arms. This is crazy. My god. I hope I make it.

We got my house. "I'm gonna call an ambulance!" Jacob said running to his phone.

"Uh hi my friend is like dying or something can you send someone." I heard him say. Really? I'm just a friend.

Wow. Talk about rude.

He came running to my side.

I was sitting on the couch gripping my side because it hurt so bad. "It's ok." he said touching my side.

"Really Jacob? My friend is like dying or something?" I said with sass. "I didn't know what to say Van!" he said yelling as he threw his arms up in the air. "It's fine" I said doing a little laugh. "Ouch!" I said as I gripped my side even harder.


Jacob heard it too. He heard the crazy loud sirens of the ambulance. "They're coming." he said raising his head up dramatically. Dang. He should be an actor. "Calm yourself." I said doing another little laugh.

"What did I do something dramatically again?" He asked.

"Yeah." I replied still gripping my rib. My eyes started to close. Like I was sleeping.

Jacob's POV

I saw Van start to close her eyes. "No,no,no,no." I said whispering to myself and getting on my knees to hear her heartbeat. Slow pumps.

Very slow. That's not good. I heard a bang on the door. It's the hospital people. I don't even know what to call them so yeahhh.

I ran to the door. "She's over here!" I said jogging over to her sleeping body. A tear was going to come out so wiped my eye.

They carried her limp body to a stretcher and put her in the ambulance.

"I'm coming with her!" I yelled. "I'm immediate family!" I said running to the ambulance.

Ha. It worked. I got in the ambulance. Her heartbeat was dropping. It was slowing. She can't breathe. Her broken rib punctured her lung causing her not to breathe.

We got the hospital. They took her in  to the ER. I can't lose her. She's the best thing that's ever happened to me.

I can't lose someone else special to me. Like my sister.

The next day

Jacob's POV

I ended up having to wait 8 hours just to see Van. All this because I suggested to go on a walk. Wow.

It's all my fault.

The doctor said she's still in critical condition. So we could only see her through glass. It doesn't mean she'll live.

But I know she will. She's a fighter. She doesn't give up. I won't give up.

"Oh my god Jacob I heard about what happened!" I heard Sam say from a distance.

Sam was always there for me when I needed help. She's a good friend. I let fame get in the way of our friendship.

I lied. Sam didn't use me.

I'm just so ashamed that I shut her out. I shut her out because I thought I was too good for her. I lied. I lied about and to her to Van.

I'm just so embarrassed that I was the one who lied.

I regret it. I really do.

And to be frank, I liked her a lot when I left to move to California. I really did love her. So I shut her out.

I thought I could live without her but, I can't.

I acted so badly. I really do regret it.

"Hey Sam." I replied looking down at my phone to see the time.

"Are you okay?" She asked sitting next to me. I looked up to her bright green eyes. "I'm okay." I replied quickly looking down. She lifted my chin up slightly.

"You can tell me anything Jacob." She said tucking her brown hair behind her right ear.

She's beautiful. To me. Wait no. I'm going out with Van.

I owe her a relationship after this. She deserves better. Why am I suddenly finding Sam attractive? I don't understand.

Why is everything so complicated for me?

Why can't I be a normal kid?

I don't want fame. I don't want people to think I'm perfect. Because I'm not. No one is.

I was about to kiss Sam but then the doctor walked in.

"Mr. Sartorius, Vanessa might not make it." He said holding a clipboard. "Thank you doctor." I said choking down tears.

I got up from my seat and went to the bathroom.

I let it all out.

"Why? Why do I have to ruin lives?" I asked myself running my fingers through my hair stressfully and pacing across the bathroom floor.

"Vanessa might die because of me." I whispered to myself. But then I heard a door open slightly.

The bathroom door was opened about half and inch big.

I opened it fully. I saw Sam.

"Jacob. It's not your fault." She said walking towards me. I hugged Sam. I just needed a hug.

"Thanks Sam." I said into her shoulder.

"I'm always here for my boi." She said looking at me.

I got out of the hug and walked out of the hospital with Sam following me.

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