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Vanessa's POV
|Boarding the plane|
Amber was talking to Jacob the entire time we were waiting for the plane to pick us up. I wanted to attack her. I am mad. I like Jacob but he has a girlfriend. Amber.
"Boarding flight 8367  to Virginia"
Someone announced on the speaker. I got up and rolled my suitcase and rolled it across the floor.
|On the plane|
I sat next to Stephanie and Kanyon. Jacob and Amber sat next to each other. Once again she was asleep on his shoulder. He was listening to music. I rolled my eyes. "What's wrong?" Stephanie asked. "Nothing." I said trying to calm the f**k down. I was internally mad. I was sad. He's never going to like me. I drifted off to sleep. "Vanessa." I heard from Kanyon. He was waving his hand in front of my face. "Yeah are we landed?" I asked rubbing my eyes. "Yeah" Stephanie added. "Cool" I said getting my stuff into my bag.
|At Virginia|
Jacob's POV
Vanessa didn't even talk to me during the flight. But I don't know. I think she really doesn't like me. She doesn't know that Amber is sick. Like really sick. She wanted to come to Virginia before she you know um dies. We got off the plane. I'm really close to my sister. "Uh hi Vanessa" I said walking to her. "Hey Jacob." She said smiling at me. I love her smile. Ugh it drives me crazy. Got me going mad when you dress like that, I ain't even mad when you dress like that. I walked over to her so I could walk with her. "So where do you want to go?" She asked dragging her suitcase behind her. "Um I was thinking we could go to my old school." I said. "Ok cool." She said. "Yeah it's not that far from here either!" I said happily. We went and got a taxi. We went to a hotel and put our lives back together. We got another taxi and went off to my old school.
|At the school (btw it was after hours)|
We left Amber at the hotel.
45 minutes later...
We finally got here.
Vanessa's POV
We got to Jacob's old school. It is HUGE. I'm still kind of jealous and mad about Amber. "Uh Vanessa can I talk to you? In private?" He asked looking at Kanyon and Stephanie. They walked away. "I don't know how I'm gonna tell you this but Amber is sick she might die." He said with a huge gulp in his throat. He was about to cry I could tell. I hugged him. "I'm really sorry about that." I said looking at him in the eyes. "Uh yeah well we can get food at the restraunt downstairs." He said changing the subject. Kanyon and Stephanie were already there eating food. Jacob's phone rang. "Sorry I'm gonna answer this" he said walking up to the balcony on the second floor of his old school.

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