"You feel better now." Mayla says coming in holding my dress. I gulp staring at the object. It's officially about to begin. She slips it over my head and I feel the silk fabric slide over my body. Sitting down infront of the mirror, she begins to put on my make-up. The soft brushes move over my face in an expert manner and I'm soon finished. Stepping back, Mayla let's out a soft gasp.

"Take a look." She says turning me to the full sized mirror. I slowly open my eyes to look at my face in the mirror. I look unbelievable. It's not like those instances where the girl can no longer recognize her self, I'm definitely there, just a little more preened. 

My red hair is absolutely glowing and falls in cascading curls around my face, ending at the bottom of my cheeks. The bruise above my eye is cleverly hidden by make up, and a slight blush livens my cheeks. My lips are painted a pale pink and no make up is added to my eyes, making my green eyes all the brighter. 

The dress is really what gets me though. Unlike many of my female cousins the dress is not obnoxiously poofy. It has a slight poof but only where it needs to be, and it cascades down passing my feet and dragging in the back. It's pure white with a high v neck cut, with tight long sleeves that come down to my hands and form a v at the point at my middle finger.It's as simple as I am. Mayla places the veil over my head, and hands me a light pink bouquet of flowers.

"Marvelous." Mayla says squeezing me in a ginourmous hug. I laugh and choke back a tear hugging her.

"Promis me you'll take care of my brother?" She says dressing into her own brides maids dress.

"Even if I die trying." I say smiling a little. She leaves to go tell everyone that the wedding is about to start.

 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The clock tower sounds telling everyone it's eleven. Okay, now the panic has really started. I tremble in my white heals, while holding my fathers arm. The isle is covered in fallen cherry tree petals and the floor is the outside area made of solid marble. The white and pink mesh perfectly together, making the place look surreal. Father looks down trying to give me a reassuring smile, but it only makes me more nervous. I feel myself turning green looking at all the villagers staring at me, and I stumble on a cobble stone. The movement tears the trail of fabric trailing behind me, and the noise echos through the silence. One of the little girls who was holding the dress begins to cry thinking she tore it. 

"Oh, no no no no." I say turning round trying to comfort the child. Her eyes widen as she sees me walking to her and she immediately shuts her mouth. But before I even have a chance to reach her, I trip again over the fabric tangled around me. This time I face plant right in front of the child, and she begins to wail again. The villagers laugh and someone quickly comes and takes the girl. Feeling tears start to prick at my eyes, I get up and gather my skirts preparing to run out of the room.

"Oh no you don't." A strong voice says grabbing my wrist.  

"Let me go!" I say turning round to yank my hand from the man. I stop short finally noticing Garrett. He looks breath taking, in a fancy all black uniform with the royal family's coat of arms on it. A golden crown sits angled lopsidedly on his head, and he cracks a crooked grin at me. He leads me by my hand back down to the altar. And as soon as he lets go of it, I run into his chest and let a few tears fall. 

"I don't remember you being a clutz." he laughs winding his hands around my waist and pulling me closer. The priest begins the ceremony, while we talk. 

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here in the sight of God to join together this Man and this Woman in holy Matrimony." he begins.

"Don't remind me." I mumble into his chest so no one else can hear. And we listen to the priests words for a while.

"Will you, Garrett Hervum Whelum the third, take Matilda Madelyn Lucinda Ella Delainey as your beloved wife?

"I will." he says sending me a wink.

"Your so annoying." 

"But you love me right?" he says smirking. 

"And do you, Matilda Madaline Lucinda Ella Delainey take, Garrett Hervum Whelum as your beloved husband?

"I do." I say goofily smiling at him.

"You may kiss the bride." The priest says laughing at how we were chatting the whole time.

"Finally." Garrett smirks bending down to plant one on his wife.

"Ah auh uh." I tut cutting him off and placing my forefinger on his lips. The audience gasps wondering what could be wrong now.

"Tell me how you got this scar." I say pointing to the small scar in the shape of a sword on his lip.

"Oh that,er, I was drinking water from a broken cup and it cut me when I was younger." He says sheepishly laughing.

"And that's the big mystery behind your scar?" I laugh.

"Nothing but the truth."

"Your right, you should have just kept it a mystery." I say laughing. He rolls his eyes then leans down and seals the kiss. The villagers erupt in applause and cheers, and the clock tower bells sing cheerily announcing it's noon and the beginning of a new adventure.  

The Sword ThiefWhere stories live. Discover now