Princess Matilda

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Mayla's P.O.V. 

Of course I did! Garrett said I would get to keep the first thing I stole! He had promised! As if hearing my thought’s he replies, “ You didn’t steal that! If I had not come to save your sorry bum, you’d still be there trying to get out of that mess. Thus, I prove my point you haven’t stolen anything.”

“Of course I stole the apple! I’m the one who plucked it from the cart!” I retort preparing for a full out battle to prove I stole the half eaten fruit. When out of nowhere Eliza Suttenburgh struts in, obviously trying to catch the attention of my brother.  Being the daughter of the town’s mayor, Eliza thinks she the Queen of the ball.

“Hmph! And this is the thanks I get?” Garrett says with the familiar twitch in his lip, that he get’s when he’s trying to stay serious.

Eliza realizing she wasn’t noticed takes this as her cue to but in.

“Hmm? Why are you being thanked Garry?”, she says placing her hand on my brothers arm, while fluttering her eye lashes at him.


“Uh…”Garrett replies involuntarily taking a step back from Eliza, trying to think of a way to answer her, without mentioning stealing.

“Beat it blondie,” I say as I glare at her.

“Garry, is something the matter?” she replies ignoring me.

 “Ahem! Leave us alone?” I say trying to get her attention again.

Scowling she says, “Leave us be little girl, your no longer needed to entertain your older brother. Let us big kids have our play time now.”

Just as I’m about to give her a snarky remark Garrett steps in.

“Hey guys! Seeing my two favorite ladies bicker isn’t as fun as it sounds”, he says putting his arm around Eliza and I.

Eliza just melts at his touch and a slightly nauseating giggle escapes her mouth.


 I suppose my brother is what you would call good looking. He has the same dark brown hair as me, except his is wavy. Tan well muscled skin from fights and hard work on our farm. His bright emerald eyes are always on the look out for some good mischief. And on the corner of his lips a small thin scar runs through both the top and bottom lip. I don’t know how he got it, and he won’t tell me but it adds to his cocky bad boy demeanor. Plus being nineteen, makes the younger girls just swoon when he looks their way.

Yet again, yuck.           

Scoffing I head off to our home with out so much as a glance back at my dunce brother and the Queen of Snobbery.

Matilda's P.O.V.

             Life in the castle is as boring as life could get. I know, I’m an ungrateful beast for saying such a thing, but trust me, it is. Having the constant pressure of becoming the next queen, there is no time for fun. I think while swiftly navigating my way through the streets of the neighboring town. Yes that’s right, I am no longer in the castle.

            Hah! Take that stupid people in charge your beloved princess has escaped your clutches.  Just seeing the different colors of people beyond the border I feel myself getting a happy high. Tightening the brown cloak covering my red hair, I keep pushing my way through the area. Passing the stands selling all different variations of things I can’t help but stop and stare at everything that comes my way. I have never seen such beautiful objects! Tearing my gaze from a midnight blue dress I walk to the next boutique, to find my self-looking at the most precious gems I have ever laid eyes on. All kinds in different colors, each with a glistening shine.  Just when my eyes land on a milky white gem, a tan hand clasps over it, taking it confidently as if they were used to this. If I had not been staring at the gem, I’m sure I wouldn’t have noticed someone taking it. It just happened so fast. And before I can comprehend what i'm doing, I grab the person’s wrist.

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