Chapter 22

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Garrett's P.O.V.

After coming up with a plan we immediately put it into action. Grace slips out from behind the caves wall and calls out to the guards! Putting her childish looks to use she wails about how she's lost some friends in a pit.

"Please mister! Please help me! Me and my friends got lost down here and," She pauses to sob,"They're stuck! Please help!" She finishes bawling her eyes out and crying so hard she starts to tremble. Instantly the guards follow her leaving Matilda and I to find a way into the locked dungeon. 

Scrambling to the door I clumsily pick at the lock. 

"Hurry! I think that they're coming back!" She hisses breathing down my neck.

Grunting in response I fumble more till I hear a quick click, grab her arm, and swing both of us into the room. The door hisses closed and we stare at the vast array of swords around us. Scimitars, Long swords, bejeweled swords, rusted swords, even swords still attached to the arms of fallen soldiers litter the ground around us! 

"There!" Matilda yells pointing at the most tedious sword I've ever seen in my life.

"Perhaps we should look round more?" I reply dismissing her comment. 

"No! That's it, help me pick it up." She commands dragging me over to the sword. 

Thou shalt leave at once. An ominous commanding voice says.

"Did you say something?" I ask adressing Matilda.


You are not prepared yet to become ruler of this kingdom.

"Your positive you haven't uttered a word?" I reply again.

"I think you're going mad." She mutters reaching for the sword. A small wail escapes from her voice as her hand clashes with a blue force field around the sword.

You mustn't let her touch me! Do you want her dead!

"You're the one talking to me!" I gasp adressing the sword.

"Garrett hush! Or else you'll send the guards barrelling through those doors." she growls reaching for the sword again.


But I'm soon cut off as the sword sends an undetectable current of energy through her. Her screams are like that of a tortured child's, and her arm twists into a shape bones should never be able to make! I reach out and pull her away just as she passes out into my arms. The sound of a guard running into the dungeon echoes as I panic trying to find a place to hide. 

"Matilda!" I hiss closely into her ears.

"Mmm." She murmurs stirring a bit. 

The sound of the guards gets closer and I haul her limp body onto my back. I reach out for the sword but it sends a wave of shocking powerful energy through me! Yellng I yank back my hand and curse at the sword.

I said you were not ready! You do not deserve this kingdom at the moment! 

"Oh and the king as of right now does! Stupid piece of steel, I'll handle this myself." I grunt sprinting towards a pile of swords. 

"There! Don't let them get away!!!" a guard yells from behind. The sound of dogs barking sounds from behind and are increasingly getting closer, one growls and takes a nip at my heel. Jumping I increase my pace and feeling Matilda sliding, haul her up more. 


A shower of arrows flies over our heads and a couple find a way to sink themselves into my heel and thighs. Stumbling over uneven concrete a hand from behind grabs my shoulder with brute strength. Swerving me around he connects his fist with my face crushing my nose, letting blood flow freely out. Losing balance Matilda crashes to the floor with a dull thud. The warrior swings his sword towards my head, but I duck just in time.

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