"I don't think we should go," Taylor tells me.

I shake my head, "If we don't go than they will probably try to get us by force. I think a small group of us should go," I say.

"I think the rest should leave the city in case they try to take the rest of us," Ashton chimes in.

"But there should be another party here in case we need to save the ones that go in," Hailee tells us. She then turns to look at Aaron. "You're the genius here, what do you think."

Aaron nods his head. "It's a good plan. I think the people that should go in is JJ, Cam, Taylor, and one of the Dolans Then the people who stay should be Carter, Skate, Ashton, and Nash. The rest of us should leave somewhere," he tells us.

"I'm I can't just leave JJ here alone," Jack argues.

"And I'm not letting Cam go in there," Nash shoots out.

"You guys it's the most logical choice. If anything happens they are the best to escape," Aaron argues.

"Oh is that why your boyfriend is going to be completely out of the way," Jack yells at him. He walks closer to Aaron and Hayes stands in front of Aaron.

JJ steps in front of Jack and stops him from walking closer. JJ gives him a little glare at him, telling him to stop whatever he is thinking.

"So where are we going to go," Luke asks quietly.

Taylor walk to a wooden desk and takes something out of it. He turns bakc and toss's it to Jc. Jc catches it and looks down at it. He then shows us a pair of keys.

"My grandparents have a cabin in the woods. There's a map to it in one of the cars," Taylor explains.

All of us nod our heads and walk to get our stuff. Well tonight will either be a great good or a great disaster.

Taylor p.o.v.

The four of us finally find the location after half an hour of looking. We got lost a couple times, before we found it. The party is at an old warehouse that was near the docks.

We all get out of the car and look at the warehouse. The metal garage of the warehouse is open, so we can see all the people dancing and the music playing. We can also see different colored lights coming from the warehouse.

"It seems like a normal party," Cam tells us as we walk to the warehouse. He spook to soon, because as soon as we saw the whole inside, we gaped at the sight. "I spoke too soon." This isn't a regular party, this is a mutant party. There were people using their powers everywhere in the warehouse. Some people were flying, others were making light shows, and some did other things.

"Wow," I say astonishingly.

A girl walks over to us and hands us each a red plastic solo cup. "You must be the new people. Where is Leo," she asks. Shawn told me about telling them a fake name, so I know who she's talking about.

"He couldn't make it. He had some unpacking to do," I say, releasing some of my attraction hormone into the air. It seems to work, because she giggles and walks away swaying her hips.

"That was close," JJ says lifting the cup to his lips. I knock the thing out of his hand quickly and it falls to the floor. "Hey, what's the big deal?"

"Haven't you seen any tv. These cups could have been drugged," I tell him. A light blush appears on his face and he apologizes. "C'mon lets party." I put the cup down on the table and drag the three of them to the dance floor.

We all soon start dancing with the people and pretend to party with them. Well I pretended I don't know about the others. Ethan dances with a girl and keeps whispering in her ears, while Cam and JJ dance together with the other people. I dance with some chick with white hair.

She grinds against me, which I pretend to like, to just act. She whispers a few dirty things into my ears as we dance and I say some back. The girl is attractive and I would probably do her, if it wasn't for me liking Shawn and trying not to screw up.

Soon the girls stops grinding and tells me to meet her in one of the back rooms. I tell her okay and she walks off to prepare I guess.

When she leaves I start to inspect the mutant party more. The people were starting to lose control of their powers a little, but not enough to be deadly. It was actually pretty cool to watch, but I didn't have the time to.

I notice one of the kids using their powers, walk over to a guy in a black hoodie. The hooded guy smiles at her and she smiles back. She hands him a 20 and the guy accepts it. He then grabs something from his pocket and hands it to her. She walks away from him and I see her walk to her friends. She then shows them a blue liquid thing in a small glass container. She takes off the lid and puts a lid with a needle on top. She then puts the needle on her bicep and pushes down from the other side.

The chemical is soon in her system and she closes her eyes as it does. She lets out a small noise, before she turns on fire. I start to freak and look for something to put her out with. Then the girl does something unexpected. She starts laughing and her friends join in. The girl starts flying and moves all around the the warehouse sky. She screams I'm free at the top of her lungs as she flies.

I look back at the guy and see him walking away through some hall. I run through the crowd of people and follow him to the hall. I see him turn into somewhere and I follow, trying to keep myself hidden. He walks into a room and I slowly stand outside. I place my ear outside the room and tried to listen.

"Well well well. What do we have here," a voice says behind me.

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(Sequel To MITNN) Life Of The Private Party(shaylor) (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now