Coffee Boy #15

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"Hey! Hey!" The tall brunette looked down on Coffee boy with eyes as strong as herself.

"Yes?" He sipped his delicate coffee.

"What'sup with you? Why so glum?" You could tell from her accent that she was a foreigner.

"Calm down Koko." Shouted another worker. "Coffee Boy's having a rough day.

"Coffee Boy? Weird nickname. No added sugar either?"

"No, I find it ruins the taste."

"Hm. Weird also."

Coffee Boy didn't crack a smile at all. This new worker wouldn't understand his problem. He  learned that she was from England and was married, with two children, and three cats. He truly wondered how she treated her cats.

"So Coffee Boy. Heard you come round often. What has stopped you recently from visiting? I don't need to get too into your business, just overheard."

"Here's your tip." He handed a few dollars. "Thank you for the coffee." And he left.

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