Chapter 5 : Pros and Cons

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Rima headed into the school doors. She hugged her backpack. She had to get a bobby pin from it. Ow.

"Ow." She heard. She looked up from the chest of the guy.

"Nagi." She said in a breathless tone. He was wearing a red sweater with a white collared shirt. He had a gold tie around it with complementary dark colored pants. His hair was tied into a messy side braid. And how funny, his eyes were framed with glasses.

"Oh, Hi Rima-Chan!" He smiled dazzling her with such brightness.

"What's with the get up?" She chuckled at the end of her sentence.

"It was a dare I had with Tsukasa. He's crazy you know." And Rima loved it. She loved every second of this. His voice. His smile. His eyes, whether framed or not. She loved his everything.

She watched his lips moving and his eyes sparkling. His voice changing and that jawline.

He really did grow up. Ha, I feel like his mom. But it's true. He now has a jawline. He now has nice collarbones. He is so handsome. And he's so...

But the bell rang and cut off her thoughts. Nagihiko smiled wider, "Let's run." She read from his lips.

He reached for her hand and pulled her to class. She moved her legs to match to his speed.

"You run too fast!" She screamed.

He laughed, "You're just a slow poke Rima!"

"No!" She began running harder.

"And here we go!" He took a quick turn and headed into class. They both rushed to their seats and tried to catch their breaths.

Rima started to laugh a bit. But she did know one thing. Other than needing to clench her thirst, she loved him. She loved that Fujisaki. And he had a special part of his heart that even Fuyuki Kirishima couldn't reach.

Rima smiled at him in the middle of class. They waved like maniacs at each other. Even when they sat right next to each other... And in the front desks.

Amu's eyes watched them hard. He's really not giving up. And so is Rima. But I have this strange feeling, like they're not even trying. Oh my god. They're not trying.


"Hey." Amu said poking Rima.

"Yes Amu?" Rima smiled more than usual today.

"You seem happy. Spill." Amu gave her a creepy look.

"Stop that Amu!" She laughed.

"Spill. Spill." She wiggled her eyebrows and danced crazily.

"Nothing, I'm just super happy today."

So it's true. With just talking to her more, Nagi can make her happy. How sweet.

I'll Wait Hurting - A Rimahiko FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now