Chapter 19.5 : Claim.

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(No lies, this week was a bit rough, so I would like to owe up to you this chapter. The last one was hella sucky, XP)

Aika looked at his lips, they matched the color of his girlfriend's. Her face showed all types of disgust. "Oh, well... Okay." She fidgeted a bit from the awkwardness.

Rima could see Nagi crack a smile, but instead of kicking and punching him, she slipped her hand into his. "Nagi, let's go get some ice cream." And she marched away.

After getting the ice cream he turned to face her. "Claiming me?"


"You're claiming me."

"No I'm not!" She licked her ice cream quickly. He watched her with a huge smirk. It slowly faded, he wouldn't be this close to his "girlfriend" in a while. 

"What's wrong?" She asked, finishing her cone.

"Well it's just that-

"Nagi! You left me!" She, too, was carrying an ice cream cone.

Rima muttered, "Purposely." Nagi laughed and carried Rima away. And once again, they left the singer.

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